Spell level: sorcerer/wizard 9 Innate level: 9 School: abjuration Components: verbal Range: medium (20 meters) Area of effect: colossal (10 meter radius) or single Duration: instant Save: none Spell resistance: no Affected spells include: spell mantles, globes of invulnerability, stoneskins, premonition, protection from elements, ghostly and ethereal visage, mage armor, shadow shield and elemental shield.
Attributes | Values |
| - Mordenkainen's disjunction
- Mordenkainen's Disjunction
| - Spell level: sorcerer/wizard 9 Innate level: 9 School: abjuration Components: verbal Range: medium (20 meters) Area of effect: colossal (10 meter radius) or single Duration: instant Save: none Spell resistance: no Affected spells include: spell mantles, globes of invulnerability, stoneskins, premonition, protection from elements, ghostly and ethereal visage, mage armor, shadow shield and elemental shield.
- Mordenkainen's Disjunction attempts to dispel and strip magical effects from a target creature or a group in an area. The single target effect means that the caster will first breach the target of up to 6 protections. (See a Breach spell for a list). It will also lower the target's spell resistance by 10 for 60 seconds. Then, the caster attempts to dispel all spells on the target creature, with a dispel check of 1d20 + 1 per caster level (no caster level limit) against DC of 11 + the spell effect's caster level.
level innate
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level sorwiz
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| - Mordenkainen's disjunction attempts to strip all magical effects from a single target. It can also target a group of creatures, attempting to remove the two most powerful spell effects from each creature. To remove an effect, the caster makes a dispel check of 1d20, +1 per caster level against a DC of 11 12 + the spell effect's caster level. In addition to its ability to dispel effects, this spell also strips a single enemy of up to 6 magical defenses or a group of enemies of two spell protections each. Finally, the spell will lower the SR of all creatures within the area of effect by 10.
Affected spells include: spell mantles, globes of invulnerability, stoneskins, premonition, protection from elements, ghostly and ethereal visage, mage armor, shadow shield and elemental shield.
duration type
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| - Dispels
- Mordenkainen's disjunction
- dispel magic
- greater dispelling
- lesser dispel
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- is_morddisj.gif
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| - Mordenkainen's Disjunction attempts to dispel and strip magical effects from a target creature or a group in an area. The single target effect means that the caster will first breach the target of up to 6 protections. (See a Breach spell for a list). It will also lower the target's spell resistance by 10 for 60 seconds. Then, the caster attempts to dispel all spells on the target creature, with a dispel check of 1d20 + 1 per caster level (no caster level limit) against DC of 11 + the spell effect's caster level. The group effect will attempt to dispel any area of effect spells in the area, and will breach all targets in the area of up to 2 protections while also lowering the targets' spell resistance by 10 for 60 seconds.
* Note that the caster of the spell is NOT affected by the Breach part (but is still affected by the Dispel part below; this is due to a bug in NW_I0_SPELLS include file - only targets that don't have a friendly reaction towards the caster are affected - this includes pretty much everybody including party members on hardcore difficulty, but it does NOT include the caster herself!).
* Note also that SR decrease will not work on SR that is granted through a) feats like the Gith/Githzerai racial feat "Spell Resistance" or the Monk class Diamond Soul feat and b) hide properties - for example, Succubi (SR18), Erinyes, Hezrou, Bone Spider constructs (SR20). However, SR granted through standard items like the Robe of the Archmage (SR20) is affected by this spell, which will properly lower SR by 10, unless the wearer of the SR item also has feats that grant equal SR.
* The caster of the spell has 100% chance to dispel his own AoE spells. So a caster who casts Cloudkill first, followed by Mordenkainen's Disjunction will definitely dispel his Cloudkill cloud. Then, the caster attempts to dispel the single best spell effect on the target creature, with a dispel check of 1d20 + 1 per caster level (no caster level limit) against DC of 11 + the spell effect's caster level. For additional notes on NWN2's dispelling rules, see Dispel Magic For additional notes on NWN2's breaching spells, see Breach Note: The dispel effect takes place between a random time, 0.1 to 0.3 seconds, after the target is affected by the spell breach effect.
- Spell level: sorcerer/wizard 9 Innate level: 9 School: abjuration Components: verbal Range: medium (20 meters) Area of effect: colossal (10 meter radius) or single Duration: instant Save: none Spell resistance: no Description: Mordenkainen's disjunction attempts to strip all magical effects from a single target. It can also target a group of creatures, attempting to remove the two most powerful spell effects from each creature. To remove an effect, the caster makes a dispel check of 1d20, +1 per caster level (to a maximum of +40) against a DC of 11 12 + the spell effect's caster level. In addition to its ability to dispel effects, this spell also strips a single enemy of up to 6 magical defenses or a group of enemies of two spell protections each. Finally, the spell will lower the SR of all creatures within the area of effect by 10. Affected spells include: spell mantles, globes of invulnerability, stoneskins, premonition, protection from elements, ghostly and ethereal visage, mage armor, shadow shield and elemental shield.
is Spell
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is 9th spell
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