| - Toq was a male Klingon, the son of Pitzh and Q'Idar, warriors who had been captured by Romulans following the Khitomer Massacre in 2346. (KE novel: A Burning House) Born and raised at the secret Romulan prison camp on Carraya IV, Toq had little exposure to Klingon culture until Worf visited the prison camp in 2369. Inspired by Worf's teachings, Toq left the camp in order to join mainstream Klingon society. In doing so, he promised to keep the existence of the camp a secret. (TNG episode: "Birthright") Later in 2376, Toq became first officer of the Gorkon. (KE novel: Honor Bound)
| - Toq was a male Klingon, the son of Pitzh and Q'Idar, warriors who had been captured by Romulans following the Khitomer Massacre in 2346. (KE novel: A Burning House) Born and raised at the secret Romulan prison camp on Carraya IV, Toq had little exposure to Klingon culture until Worf visited the prison camp in 2369. Inspired by Worf's teachings, Toq left the camp in order to join mainstream Klingon society. In doing so, he promised to keep the existence of the camp a secret. (TNG episode: "Birthright") Toq was turned over to the care of Lorgh who went through the R'uustai ritual, bonding Toq to the House of Lorgh. (TNG - The Brave and the Bold, Book Two novella: The Final Artifact) Toq eventually joined the crew of the IKS Gorkon. He became second officer on the ship by killing Lieutenant Kegren, whose incompetence had endangered the ship. (TNG novel: Diplomatic Implausibility) Later in 2376, Toq became first officer of the Gorkon. (KE novel: Honor Bound) By 2381, Toq was a Captain, and commanded the IKS Kreltek, a K'vort class Bird of Prey attached to the Fifth Battle Fleet. (ST novel: A Singular Destiny)