| - Silver Horns was a monster created by Lord Zedd from a tick.
- First Appearance: The Power Transfer, Part 2 (02x28) File:Silver Horns.jpg Silver Horns was created by Lord Zedd from a tick. He had a southern accent, speaking very much like a countryside cowboy. Silver Horns could fire lightning from his claws, horns, and spikes jutting from his body. He could also shoot fire from his horns. After a brief fight with the Power Rangers, Silver Horns grows giant and battles the Red Dragon Thunderzord. Rocky's first solo zord fight didn't go very well, with Silverhorns tossing the zord around like a ragdoll, with the zord's effects being minimal and most attacks blocked (possibly due to a combination of the monster's tremendous power and Rocky's inexperience), Silver Horns is even seen laughing at the repeated kicks delivered by the Red Dragon Thunderzord s
| - First Appearance: The Power Transfer, Part 2 (02x28) File:Silver Horns.jpg Silver Horns was created by Lord Zedd from a tick. He had a southern accent, speaking very much like a countryside cowboy. Silver Horns could fire lightning from his claws, horns, and spikes jutting from his body. He could also shoot fire from his horns. After a brief fight with the Power Rangers, Silver Horns grows giant and battles the Red Dragon Thunderzord. Rocky's first solo zord fight didn't go very well, with Silverhorns tossing the zord around like a ragdoll, with the zord's effects being minimal and most attacks blocked (possibly due to a combination of the monster's tremendous power and Rocky's inexperience), Silver Horns is even seen laughing at the repeated kicks delivered by the Red Dragon Thunderzord spinning on its staff. The Red Dragon Thunderzord's finisher is attempted on Silverhorns, but fails to destroy the monster or apparently even harm it. The finisher's use is not seen onscreen, but with the monster battling later on as if nothing had happened, it's safe to assume that it had little effect if any. The Tigerzord soon showed up for backup, but Silverhorns still easily overpowers the two zords. Later, the other Rangers arrive with their zords, combining to form the Thunder Ultrazord, which finally crushes Silver Horns. Silver Horns was one of the five villains to appear in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Fighting Edition. Silver Horns also appears in the SNES version of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie as the fifth boss.
- Silver Horns was a monster created by Lord Zedd from a tick.