| - Hearing a strange voice, Troy finds a mysterious girl and asks what is wrong. She introduces herself as Rasil before she runs off. Later as he thinks, Troy and the Megaforce Rangers are alerted by Gosei when he detects Warstar. They head to the city museum due to a Warstar attack on a staff member of the mineral exhibit, having lost a rock similar to the exhibit's prized stone. Jake and Gia realize the stone is a fake as Troy sees Rasil, who has the real one. Confronting her, Rasil reveals the stone is dangerous before they are attacked by Captain Insector. The Megaforce Rangers transform, but are powerless against Captain Insector as Lucifex takes the stone from Rasil and unseals the Horn of Doom from the two stones before the Warstar aliens take their leave. As the others learns from Noa
| - Hearing a strange voice, Troy finds a mysterious girl and asks what is wrong. She introduces herself as Rasil before she runs off. Later as he thinks, Troy and the Megaforce Rangers are alerted by Gosei when he detects Warstar. They head to the city museum due to a Warstar attack on a staff member of the mineral exhibit, having lost a rock similar to the exhibit's prized stone. Jake and Gia realize the stone is a fake as Troy sees Rasil, who has the real one. Confronting her, Rasil reveals the stone is dangerous before they are attacked by Captain Insector. The Megaforce Rangers transform, but are powerless against Captain Insector as Lucifex takes the stone from Rasil and unseals the Horn of Doom from the two stones before the Warstar aliens take their leave. As the others learns from Noah that the Horn of Doom is a apocalyptic weapon that cause several natural disasters which would destroy the planet, Troy chases after Rasil and learns that she was attempting to stop Warstar from getting their hands on the Horn. Later, Captain Insector & Lucifex are greeted by Vrak ,in his Warstar form,who offers his services before Captain Insector gives Lucifex the Horn to begin the end of the world. Assuring Rasil that he and the other Megaforce Rangers will stop it, Troy is joined by his allies before they are ambushed by revived phantoms of Warstar aliens who subject them through a series of illusions before Robo Knight arrives and defeats the phantoms. The Megaforce Rangers arrive to where Captain Insector & Lucifex are, transforming into their Ranger forms to fight them and Vrak,before Captain Insector swallows the Horn of Doom. Fighting in both his Warstar and Earth Armor forms, Vrak uses his Zombats to enlarge Captain Insector after Lucifex is destroyed. But with the Dragon Zord damaged during the fight, Megaforce Red is unable to form Gosei Great Megazord. However, Rasil's praying gives the Megaforce Rangers the Gosei Jet Card. Summoning Gosei Jet, they form Gosei Jet Megazord to fight Captain Insector. With Rasil backing them up, the Megaforce Rangers manage to destroy the alien and the Horn of Doom with Jet Strike. Later, after thanking Troy and the Megaforce Rangers for their help, Rasil leaves as the Megaforce Rangers wave goodbye with their battle with Warstar truly over.