Captain Flag is a fictional superhero created by MLJ Comics' writer Joe Blair and artist Lin Streeter. He first appeared in September 1941, in issue #16 of Blue Ribbon Comics. He shared the cover with Mr. Justice until #19 when Captain Flag was the only one to appear on the cover. He was on until the end of Blue Ribbon Comics in March 1942 with Issue #22.
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| - Captain Flag is a fictional superhero created by MLJ Comics' writer Joe Blair and artist Lin Streeter. He first appeared in September 1941, in issue #16 of Blue Ribbon Comics. He shared the cover with Mr. Justice until #19 when Captain Flag was the only one to appear on the cover. He was on until the end of Blue Ribbon Comics in March 1942 with Issue #22.
- Tom Townsend was a wealthy playboy and the son of an inventor. Tom and his father are kidnapped by the villain The Black Hand. The villain wants the secrets of Mr. Townsend's invention. Tom's father refused to disclose the information and was killed. Tom is saved from the same fate thanks to an eagle who crashes through the window and carries him away. Captain Flag also was helped by FBI agents, Veronica Darnell and, later, Linda Reed.
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| - Captain Flag is a fictional superhero created by MLJ Comics' writer Joe Blair and artist Lin Streeter. He first appeared in September 1941, in issue #16 of Blue Ribbon Comics. He shared the cover with Mr. Justice until #19 when Captain Flag was the only one to appear on the cover. He was on until the end of Blue Ribbon Comics in March 1942 with Issue #22.
- Tom Townsend was a wealthy playboy and the son of an inventor. Tom and his father are kidnapped by the villain The Black Hand. The villain wants the secrets of Mr. Townsend's invention. Tom's father refused to disclose the information and was killed. Tom is saved from the same fate thanks to an eagle who crashes through the window and carries him away. Tom trains with the eagle and after becoming strong, creates a costume out of a US flag brought to him by the bird. He names the eagle Yank and adopts the moniker Captain Flag for himself. The duo then set out to capture and thwart the Black Hand which they eventually do in issue #22. Captain Flag also was helped by FBI agents, Veronica Darnell and, later, Linda Reed.
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