| - The staff appears to be incredibly difficult to create, as such it is impossible for any person to create a perfect replica. It is, however, possible to fake one of the magic gems. A legit magical gem has a density below that of water. In order to easily test this, one can simply check if the gem floats on water, in which case it is genuine. In reality, Taela Magica are props used to direct the Shades, who manipulate the special effects machines required to finish the spell.
- Each witch's staff has at its core a golden rod called a Spina Magica, on which is engraved a Witch's Mark that is impossible to forge. Wooden snakes are entwined around the Spina Magica, and in each one's mouth is a magic gem that allows a witch to cast a specific spell. Each witch's staff contains two magic gems that can each only cast one spell; a normal witch can thus only ever cast two spells. Although magic gems look like other minerals and thus can be faked, it is easy to test the legitimacy of a magic gem. Real gems have a lower density than water, allowing them to float on water. Since there are very few other minerals with this property, a fake gem will thus sink if placed in water.
| - The staff appears to be incredibly difficult to create, as such it is impossible for any person to create a perfect replica. It is, however, possible to fake one of the magic gems. A legit magical gem has a density below that of water. In order to easily test this, one can simply check if the gem floats on water, in which case it is genuine. In reality, Taela Magica are props used to direct the Shades, who manipulate the special effects machines required to finish the spell.
- Each witch's staff has at its core a golden rod called a Spina Magica, on which is engraved a Witch's Mark that is impossible to forge. Wooden snakes are entwined around the Spina Magica, and in each one's mouth is a magic gem that allows a witch to cast a specific spell. Each witch's staff contains two magic gems that can each only cast one spell; a normal witch can thus only ever cast two spells. Although magic gems look like other minerals and thus can be faked, it is easy to test the legitimacy of a magic gem. Real gems have a lower density than water, allowing them to float on water. Since there are very few other minerals with this property, a fake gem will thus sink if placed in water. The real reason for the above restrictions was to assist the Shades when they carry out the effects needed to simulate magic, allowing them to avoid resource shortages and fatiguing themselves. For a list of known "spells" available to "witches" in Labyrinthia, see Grand Grimoire.