Peter Jason Quill, aka Star-Lord, is an interstellar adventurer who was abducted from Earth at a young age. He became the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Peter Jason Quill, alias Star-Lord, es un aventurero interestelar que fue secuestrado de la Tierra a una edad temprana. Más tarde se convierte en el líder de Los Guardianes de la Galaxia.
Peter Jason Quill, aka Star-Lord, is an interstellar adventurer who was abducted from Earth at a young age. He became the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Peter Jason Quill, alias Star-Lord, es un aventurero interestelar que fue secuestrado de la Tierra a una edad temprana. Más tarde se convierte en el líder de Los Guardianes de la Galaxia.
Peter Jason Quill, aka Star-Lord, is an interstellar adventurer who was abducted from Earth at a young age. He became the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy.