| - In 1940, Francisco France met Adolf Hitler in Hendaye, France. When Hitler requested that Spain enter the war, Franco responded by making demands, such as food, weapons, and territorial gains such as Gibraltar and Northern Africa. In OTL, Hitler denied the demands and Spain remained neutral. In this timeline, while focusing on the Mediterranean, accepts the demands. Military advisers are sent to Spain to train its soldiers. By May 1941 Spain had nearly 50,000 troops ready for deployment.
| - In 1940, Francisco France met Adolf Hitler in Hendaye, France. When Hitler requested that Spain enter the war, Franco responded by making demands, such as food, weapons, and territorial gains such as Gibraltar and Northern Africa. In OTL, Hitler denied the demands and Spain remained neutral. In this timeline, while focusing on the Mediterranean, accepts the demands. Military advisers are sent to Spain to train its soldiers. By May 1941 Spain had nearly 50,000 troops ready for deployment. On May 6, a Spanish-German force invaded Gibraltar. It took the British troops stationed there by storm, and the Luftwaffe bombed several Royal Navy ships based there. By May 10 Gibraltar was under Spanish control. In order to meet Franco's demands, the Vichy French were forced to hand over French Morocco to Spain. Spanish troops quickly occupied the area. The area was industrialized; and began churning out supplies for Spain's armies in future battles.