| - Ring set with a crimson gemstone to increase intellect.
- This item is autokeep. This means that if you die with it, you will always keep it.
- Ruby Ring is a common ring.
- Ruby Rings are salvagable items in Endless Ocean 2. These are made of stone and metal.
- Ruby ring on jalokivisormus jonka valmistamiseen tarvitsee 34 käsityö tason. Sen voi lumota Enchant Level 3 Jewellery nimisellä taijalla, jolloin siitä tulee Ring of Forging.
- A magical ring with a Ruby in it.
- The Ruby Ring provides 3 Magic Defense, no change in Evasion (though the 3D-exclusive version grants 10 Evasion), 2 Magic Evasion, and resistance against the Pig status. It is initially equipped on Edward. It can be bought for 1,000 gil in Troia, found in Mist, and Troia Castle, or dropped by Lamia and Lamia Matriarch.
- Alchemist Expert Challenges:
* Rise of the Ruby
* Make 1 Ruby Ring from a Ruby, Fire Mana, and a Platinum Ingot
* Jewel Renewal
* Make 1 quality Ruby Ring, 1 quality Sapphire Ring, and 1 quality Emerald Ring __NOEDITSECTION__
- With level 49 Magic, it can be enchanted into a Ring of forging using the spell Lvl-3 Enchant, which requires one cosmic rune and five fire runes. This item can be sold to Grum's Gold Exchange in Port Sarim, with a starting price of 1417 coins if none are in stock. A ruby ring spawn is located on a table in the cellar downstairs of the Varrock west bank. Note that the spawn is located too far from the player to be retrievable with the Telekinetic Grab spell.
- A Ruby ring is a useless item that can be made with the Crafting skill. It is made by using a gold bar on a furnace while having a ring mould and a ruby in the character's inventory. This requires a crafting level of 30 or higher and provides 70 crafting experience. Like all rings, it cannot be equipped in RuneScape Classic. A non-tradeable ruby ring is made in the Family Crest quest out of special fine gold.
- Ruby Rings are highly valuable loot found rarely in Baldur's Gate. Several can be found in the sewers beneath Baldur's Gate and can be given to the farmer, Brun, in addition to gold to help save his farm.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ File:Nav bar left.png Ruby Ring File:Nav bar right.png File:Item Card.png Ruby Ring File:Ruby Ring.jpg File:Item Border Silver.png File:Uncommon Gem.png File:Battle Icon 2.png 0 File:Trade Icon 2.png 6 File:Intrigue Icon 2.png 0 Uncommon File:Sealbar-gold.png File:Seal Lock Icon.png An elegant ruby sets the bar for a successful trade negotiation
- The Ruby Ring was a piece of Loot found in 40 Thieves of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. It is the most valuable loot in that episode being worth 500 coins.
- Description: A flame flickers inside its gem. Raises attack. Type: File:Accessory.png Accessory Class: Equip in: Effect: Attack +20; Defense +10 Gain in: Price: Please help us improve Suikoden Wikia by creating or editing any of our articles.
- The ruby ring can be enchanted into a Ring of forging by members through the use of the Enchant Level 3 Jewellery spell. The ruby ring can be imbued for the price of 89,600 Mobilising Armies points, turning it into a ruby ring (i) by giving it to an officer in order to be enchanted. A ruby ring is required to exchange for a pair of Swanky Boots after destroying 12 pairs of the boots.