| - Shenroni i Oqeanëve është një shenron i cili mund të kontrolloj dy elemente. Si elemntin e Eres dhe elementin e Ujit. Ky është ndryshe nga vëllezërit e tij sepse ky kontrollon dy elemente. Është Dragua i Hijes dhe në fakt është femër. Krijohet atëherë kur Oolong ndeshet me Perandorin Pilaf dhe i kërkon Shenrronit që tia jap një palë mbathje. Këtë gjë Goku ende e mendon si të quditshme dhe qesharake. Kur Shenroni i Oqeaneve e sulmon Gokun Pan ia lëshon një kamehameha në të njejtën kohë ia lëshon dhe Goku këtu mer fund dueli.
- Oceanus Shenron is de kwaadaardige Shenron van de Six Star-dragonball. Ze is ontstaan toen Oolong Shenron om een slipje vroeg.
- Oceanus Shenron (六星龍, Ryuu Shinron; lit. Six-Star Dragon) is the Shadow Dragon of Water and Wind. Unlike her comrades, except for Syn Shenron, Oceanus Shenron has the power to control two elements: water and wind. She is born when Oolong ruins Emperor Pilaf's wish for world domination by wishing for a pair of panties from a "hot babe".
- Liu Xing Long, or Oceanus Shenron (Funimation dub), is one of the Shadow Dragons in Dragon Ball GT and the dragon of the Six-Star Ball. She is the only female Evil Dragon.
- When The New Z Fighters asked the Namekians to wish Goku out from Babadi's spell, making some of the evil from Goku in the dragon balls. This collected in the dragon balls and summoned the dead Shadow Dragons. After defeating Haze Sheron and Rage Shenron, Riku, Chi-Zu and Tora find the newly resurrected Oceanus Shenron. At first glance, Riku mentions that she was hot. After blushing at the comment, she insures them that flattery won't get them away so easily. She then attacks them with Air Shattering Energy Ball. As they quickly dodge the attacks, Tora uses his Soul Crusher, which are blocked by Oceanus Shenron. Then, Riku and Chi-Zu use Energy Bullet to somehow damage her. After easily blocking the attacks, Oceanus Shenron says that she was bored and decides to use her new attack, Tidal S