The deflection curses are a primary reason for players to switch from the normal prayer set to the curses, as they have the same drain rate as the protection prayers from the regular book and can deal additional damage back. Note that as with all Deflect prayers, the Ferocious Ring does not add damage you reflect back onto the enemy. Deflect prayers will grant you 50% protection against most attacks. The damage reflected is dependent on how much the attack would have done prior to be being blocked by the prayer: about 10% of the damage that would have been taken.
Attributes | Values |
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| - Deflect Missiles
- Deflect Missiles
- Deflect Missiles
| - The deflection curses are a primary reason for players to switch from the normal prayer set to the curses, as they have the same drain rate as the protection prayers from the regular book and can deal additional damage back. Note that as with all Deflect prayers, the Ferocious Ring does not add damage you reflect back onto the enemy. Deflect prayers will grant you 50% protection against most attacks. The damage reflected is dependent on how much the attack would have done prior to be being blocked by the prayer: about 10% of the damage that would have been taken.
- Deflect missiles on muinainen rukous, jolla saat suojan ranged-hyökkäyksiltä. Siihen vaditaan taso 68 rukousta. Se on vain membereille. Se voi myös viedä osan ranged-vahingoista takaisin iskijään. Se antaa täyden suojan NPC:n iskulta ja 40% suojan toiselta pelaajalta. Deflect Missiles iskee noin 10% vastustajan iskusta takaisin. 1.
- Deflect Missiles is een prayer van de Ancient Curses en 68 Prayer is vereist om het te kunnen gebruiken. Zoals bij alle prayers van de Ancient Curses moet The Temple at Senntisten voltooid zijn om het te kunnen gebruiken. Na de quest moet je eerst eens bidden bij het altaar in Senntisten Temple om toegang te krijgen tot de Ancient Curses. Wanneer het geactiveerd is, zal Deflect Missiles de speler beschermen tegen Ranged aanvallen en zal het ook soms toegebracht schade weerkaatsen.
- The deflection curses are a primary reason for players to switch from the normal prayer set to the curses, as they have the same drain rate as the protection prayers from the regular book and can deal additional damage back. Deflect curses will grant you 50% damage reduction against most attacks from players and monsters. Deflect curses have a chance to reflect damage back at your attacker, and the damage reflected is 10% of the damage the attack would have done if not blocked by the deflect curse.
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| - 0(xsd:double)
- 150(xsd:integer)
- 3.0
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| - Deflect Missiles
- Deflect Missiles
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| - Protects against damage from attacks and can deflect some damage back onto the attacker.
- Weerkaatst schade toegebracht met Ranged
| - The deflection curses are a primary reason for players to switch from the normal prayer set to the curses, as they have the same drain rate as the protection prayers from the regular book and can deal additional damage back. Deflect curses will grant you 50% damage reduction against most attacks from players and monsters. Deflect curses have a chance to reflect damage back at your attacker, and the damage reflected is 10% of the damage the attack would have done if not blocked by the deflect curse. In order to use this curse, you must have the Ancient Curses activated, which requires completion of The Temple at Senntisten quest.
- The deflection curses are a primary reason for players to switch from the normal prayer set to the curses, as they have the same drain rate as the protection prayers from the regular book and can deal additional damage back. Note that as with all Deflect prayers, the Ferocious Ring does not add damage you reflect back onto the enemy. Deflect prayers will grant you 50% protection against most attacks. The damage reflected is dependent on how much the attack would have done prior to be being blocked by the prayer: about 10% of the damage that would have been taken.
- Deflect Missiles is een prayer van de Ancient Curses en 68 Prayer is vereist om het te kunnen gebruiken. Zoals bij alle prayers van de Ancient Curses moet The Temple at Senntisten voltooid zijn om het te kunnen gebruiken. Na de quest moet je eerst eens bidden bij het altaar in Senntisten Temple om toegang te krijgen tot de Ancient Curses. Wanneer het geactiveerd is, zal Deflect Missiles de speler beschermen tegen Ranged aanvallen en zal het ook soms toegebracht schade weerkaatsen. Hoeveel schade weerkaatst wordt, hangt af van hoeveel schade de aanval normaal gezien zou toegebracht hebben. De schade die je aan je tegenstander toebrengt door de weerkaatsing, komt overeen met 10% hiervan.
- Deflect missiles on muinainen rukous, jolla saat suojan ranged-hyökkäyksiltä. Siihen vaditaan taso 68 rukousta. Se on vain membereille. Se voi myös viedä osan ranged-vahingoista takaisin iskijään. Se antaa täyden suojan NPC:n iskulta ja 40% suojan toiselta pelaajalta. Deflect Missiles iskee noin 10% vastustajan iskusta takaisin. 1.