| - Kricketot first appeared in Last Call — First Round!, where it was used in the Grand Festival. Using its antennae, Kricketot was able to create music which, when used in combination with Altaria's Perish Song, created a dazzling appeal which easily ensured Nando's progression past the first round.
Kricketot's only known move is Sing.
- Altaria is Nando's fourth known Pokémon. It first appeared in Last Call — First Round!, where it was used in Nando's appeal in the Grand Festival alongside his Kricketot.
Altaria's only known move is Perish Song.
- Lopunny first appeared in Coming Full-Festival Circle!, where it was used in the Sinnoh Grand Festival. Lopunny's dancing skills were well suited alongside Kricketune's ability to create music and were used to simulate a ballerina and a violinist, respectively. The two were able to put up a good fight against Zoey's Mismagius and Leafeon during the Semi-Finals. However it wasn't enough against Zoey's highly trained Pokémon and the two had the fewest points by the time the clock ran out. It reappeared in a flashback in League Unleashed!.
Lopunny's known moves are Jump Kick, Protect, Blizzard, and Focus Blast.
- Nando used Armaldo in League Unleashed! against Ash's Staraptor and Ash's Quilava. It managed to defeat Ash's weakened Staraptor and put up a good fight against his Quilava before they were both knocked out.
Armaldo's known moves are Protect, Rock Blast, and X-Scissor.
- Sunflora first appeared in A Secret Sphere of Influence!, where it ran off after Nando was accused of stealing the Adamant Orb. It proved Nando's innocence by tracking down Team Rocket, who really stole the orb. It later appeared in Dawn's Early Night! during the Hearthome City Contest.
It made a brief appearance in Coming Full-Festival Circle! where it had helped Nando get to the semi-finals alongside Kricketune and Roserade in another battle.
Sunflora's known moves are Leech Seed, Cut, Grass Whistle, and Razor Leaf.
- Roserade appears to be Nando's main Pokémon. It first appeared as a Budew in Dawn Of A New Era!, where it fought against both Ash and Dawn. It evolved later into Roselia in the same episode. It appeared again in A Secret Sphere of Influence!, where it was revealed that it had defeated Gardenia's Turtwig. It also appeared in Dawn's Early Night! during the Hearthome Contest.
It helped Nando reach the semi-finals alongside Sunflora and it was revealed in Coming Full-Festival Circle! that it had evolved into a Roserade.
In League Unleashed!, it battled against Ash's Staraptor. Early in the battle, it was able to overpower Staraptor. However, thanks to a powerful Brave Bird, Staraptor was able to defeat Roserade.
- Kricketune first appeared in Dawn's Early Night, where it was used in the Hearthome City Contest alongside Sunflora in a music-based appeal and Roselia in battles. It later helped Nando win the Beach Rose Contest prior to A Breed Stampede!. While Roserade appears to be Nando's main Pokémon, Kricketune has actually appeared more due to Roserade mostly having brief appearances in later episodes.
During the Sinnoh Grand Festival, in Coming Full-Festival Circle!, it and Lopunny were used in the semi-finals, where they lost to Zoey's Mismagius and Leafeon on points.
In League Unleashed!, during the Lily of the Valley Conference, it faced Ash's Heracross as Nando's last Pokémon, and eventually lost the match.