The Nickelodeon animation division foundations begin with the creation of three original animated programs in 1991, Doug, Rugrats and The Ren & Stimpy Show. After a falling-out with Ren & Stimpy creator John Kricfalusi in 1992, Nickelodeon founded Games Animation to produce future animated endeavors, including their first fully in-house series Rocko's Modern Life. Games produced much of the mid-1990s output of the network, in partnership with notable companies such as Frederator Studios. In 1998, the studio moved from Studio City, California to Burbank in celebration of a new facility, and was renamed Nickelodeon Animation Studio.
Attributes | Values |
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| - Nickelodeon Animation Studio
- Nickelodeon Animation Studio
| - __INDEX__ Nickelodeon Animation Studio ist ein amerikanisches Animationsstudio. Das Studio ist im Besitz des Kindersenders Nickelodeon und produzierte einige beliebte Serien wie SpongeBob Schwammkopf, Cosmo & Wanda, Die Pinguine aus Madagascar und T.U.F.F. Puppy. Außerdem produzierte es Serien für Nicktoons. 1991 begann Nickelodeon mit der Produktion seiner ersten drei eigenproduzierten Animationsserien (Doug, Rugrats, Die Ren & Stimpy Show).
- The Nickelodeon animation division foundations begin with the creation of three original animated programs in 1991, Doug, Rugrats and The Ren & Stimpy Show. After a falling-out with Ren & Stimpy creator John Kricfalusi in 1992, Nickelodeon founded Games Animation to produce future animated endeavors, including their first fully in-house series Rocko's Modern Life. Games produced much of the mid-1990s output of the network, in partnership with notable companies such as Frederator Studios. In 1998, the studio moved from Studio City, California to Burbank in celebration of a new facility, and was renamed Nickelodeon Animation Studio.
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| - Animated films
- Animated television series
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| - "The Sponge Who Could Fly"
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| - Nickelodeon Animation Studio
- Nickelodeon Animation Studio
| - 1990(xsd:integer)
- 1998(xsd:integer)
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| - Burbank, California, USA
- Studio City, Los Angeles, USA
| - *Animationsserien
| - The Nickelodeon animation division foundations begin with the creation of three original animated programs in 1991, Doug, Rugrats and The Ren & Stimpy Show. After a falling-out with Ren & Stimpy creator John Kricfalusi in 1992, Nickelodeon founded Games Animation to produce future animated endeavors, including their first fully in-house series Rocko's Modern Life. Games produced much of the mid-1990s output of the network, in partnership with notable companies such as Frederator Studios. In 1998, the studio moved from Studio City, California to Burbank in celebration of a new facility, and was renamed Nickelodeon Animation Studio. Aside from Nickelodeon, the studio has also produced cartoon series for Nick Jr., Nicktoons Network and other Viacom-owned networks such as Spike.
- __INDEX__ Nickelodeon Animation Studio ist ein amerikanisches Animationsstudio. Das Studio ist im Besitz des Kindersenders Nickelodeon und produzierte einige beliebte Serien wie SpongeBob Schwammkopf, Cosmo & Wanda, Die Pinguine aus Madagascar und T.U.F.F. Puppy. Außerdem produzierte es Serien für Nicktoons. 1991 begann Nickelodeon mit der Produktion seiner ersten drei eigenproduzierten Animationsserien (Doug, Rugrats, Die Ren & Stimpy Show).
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