| - Modern Warfare is a Spin-Off of the World War II-themed FPS series Call of Duty, set Next Sunday AD or so. Technically, the three MW games are considered the fourth, sixth, and eighth installments of the main series, respectively. The setting is best described as an Alternate History, with the divergence point lying somewhere before the Chernobyl disaster, when powerful Russian leader Imran Zakhaev started a massive Ultranationalist movement in Russia. Said movement eventually initiated a civil war against the Loyalist pro-Western faction of Russia, which serves as the backdrop in the first game and the catalyst of the Middle Eastern rebellion, another of the original's plot lines. The second game, set five years later, sees what happens to a new Cold War between the US and an Ultranationalist Russia when a covert op to unmask a wanted terrorist goes horribly wrong. The third one follows the happenings of said war and the desperate hunt for the man that caused all of this. On May 10, 2011, gaming blog Kotaku released a leaked list of Modern Warfare 3's features, including locations in the main story, new characters, and basically the entire plot of the game. Before the game was even announced. And of course, several hours after this, the game was officially announced, showing that some locales in the game include New York, London, Paris, and Berlin. The new game was developed jointly by what's left of Infinity Ward (which fell apart amid a dispute with Activision over royalties from the second game) and Sledgehammer Games, a studio that was supposedly working on a third-person version of Call of Duty. Not to be confused with the Troperiffic Community episode of the same name. See also Find Makarov, a Web Original Fan Film series based on the games.