| - A decade message is a special small window containing a short message, which pops up after each ten levels in Chip's Challenge; however, the MS version lacks the first four and they only begin at level 50. Some of the messages offer insight into the upcoming challenge, while some are solely inspirational backstory to egg Chip on. Tile World does not display decade messages; instead, Tile World uses specially formatted .ccx files to display customized messages between any two levels (as specified in the .ccx file). The messages are stored in the MS CC game executable (.exe) rather than in the level set (.dat), as Chip's Challenge was never intended to play apart from CC1 (a programming design that also caused the Termination Glitch). They can be edited using CCHack or a hex editor to patch the CHIPS.EXE file. The designer of a custom level set can change them as desired to fit the set's storyline (if any), up to level 149, where they end even if the level set does not. Since the changes would apply to other level sets played with the patched .exe as well, this can become difficult to manage. In CCLP2, the decade messages simply repeat the originals, which causes a lack of continuity in the story. CCLP3, however, does have a storyline, as a .ccx for Tile World.