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| - The Great Cleansing was a devastating war of mass destruction that was waged some time in 350 BBY, on the world of Fyodos. For centuries, the Galidyn coexisted with the Fyodoi, the Human colonists of Fyodos. However, in 350 BBY, the Fyodoi began to war amongst themselves - this war would become known as the Great Cleansing. Their advanced technology ravaged the planet, scorching the surface, and destroyed the Human societies. The majority of the Galidyn escaped the slaughter by retreating into underground caves and hibernating for almost two centuries. After the war ended, the surviving Humans abandoned the ruins of their once-great cities, and shunned all technology completely. This caused them to eventually regress to a primitive technological level.
- The Great Cleansing is an event that Malefor speaks of, in The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon. The ancient golems of the deep and the Destroyer were summoned for this spectacle of armageddon. The Great Cleansing literally purges the world by destroying everything, including the earth itself, making it truly the end of the world.
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| - The Great Cleansing is an event that Malefor speaks of, in The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon. The ancient golems of the deep and the Destroyer were summoned for this spectacle of armageddon. The Great Cleansing literally purges the world by destroying everything, including the earth itself, making it truly the end of the world. Just as Spyro and Cynder began their battle with Malefor to stop him from destroying the world, the Great Cleasning was triggered when the Destroyer managed to throw itself into the volcano from whence it came. After Malefor's defeat, Spyro used his power to stop the The Great Cleansing and reconstruct the shattering world.
- The Great Cleansing was a devastating war of mass destruction that was waged some time in 350 BBY, on the world of Fyodos. For centuries, the Galidyn coexisted with the Fyodoi, the Human colonists of Fyodos. However, in 350 BBY, the Fyodoi began to war amongst themselves - this war would become known as the Great Cleansing. Their advanced technology ravaged the planet, scorching the surface, and destroyed the Human societies. The majority of the Galidyn escaped the slaughter by retreating into underground caves and hibernating for almost two centuries. After the war ended, the surviving Humans abandoned the ruins of their once-great cities, and shunned all technology completely. This caused them to eventually regress to a primitive technological level. The Galidyn initially attempted to reconcile with the Humans, and bring them back into society, but the Fyodoi had begun to regard them as technology-worshiping monsters. Though they felt pity for the Fyodoi, they decided to leave them alone.