| - Firefly Cross is an Action Adventure webcomic, created by dragonsong12. The series focuses on Katyn, a thief who becomes the latest Keeper of the mystic sword Ra'grathon, and therefore is also the latest champion of the Light in its battle against the Dark. The reluctant Katyn is assisted by Ra'yl, a Guardian bound to the sword and the Keeper; Chaerius, a dragon who spends much of his time in the form of a black cat; and a supporting cast of fellow thieves (Lissibith, Tyson, Micah, Marian, Jerrome, Tara, Trey).
| - Firefly Cross is an Action Adventure webcomic, created by dragonsong12. The series focuses on Katyn, a thief who becomes the latest Keeper of the mystic sword Ra'grathon, and therefore is also the latest champion of the Light in its battle against the Dark. The reluctant Katyn is assisted by Ra'yl, a Guardian bound to the sword and the Keeper; Chaerius, a dragon who spends much of his time in the form of a black cat; and a supporting cast of fellow thieves (Lissibith, Tyson, Micah, Marian, Jerrome, Tara, Trey).
* Action Girl: Katyn.
* All There in the Manual: Some of the world information is primarily detailed in supplemental materials and fiction on the comic's web site.
* Art Evolution
* Balance Between Light and Dark: In the Backstory, Fate more or less intended things to be this way, but a previous Keeper of the Light grew too arrogant and got himself killed. As a result, by the present day, Dark has been dominant for the past thousand years.
* The Chosen One: The Keepers of the Light and Dark.
* Classy Cat Burglar: Katyn, Marian.
* Color-Coded Wizardry
* Cool Old Guy: Doc.
* Cool Sword/Named Weapons: The sword of the Light, Ra'grathon, and the sword of the Dark, Kyar'tonis.
* Evil Counterpart: The champions of the Dark: Aion, wielder of the sword Kyar'tonis; Elrek, his Guardian; and Sadryn, the Dark's dragon.
* Gadgeteer Genius: Lissibith.
* Half-Human Hybrid: The Draclings - half-human, half-dragon.
* Here There Were Dragons: Since the Dark became ascendant, magic has faded away, largely supplanted by technology.
* I Just Want to Be Normal: Katyn.
* An Ice Person: Elrek.
* Light Is Not Good
* Mega Neko: All dragons are shapeshifters, and can take various forms between normal cat and full-fledged dragon. Cats in this world are actually the descendants of dragons.
* Our Dragons Are Different
* Playing with Fire: Ra'yl.
* Pointy Ears: The Guardians.
* Punctuation Shaker: Half the names have apostrophes in them, with doubtful justification.)
* The Rant
* Shapeshifting, Voluntary Shapeshifting: Chaerius and the other dragons.
* Shout-Out: Marian's "Spiderman" costume.
* Super-Powered Evil Side: Ra'yl, when facing off against the current champions of the Dark. Comes complete with Glowing Eyes of Doom and Slasher Smile.
* True Companions: Katyn and her fellow thieves.
* Twenty Minutes Into the Future
* Urban Fantasy
* Winged Humanoid: The Guardians Ra'yl and Elrek.
* World Building: As detailed in the supplemental materials on the web site.