| - Cyberslam, commonly abbreviated CSlam was a famous collection of eWrestling federations hosted by the popular (but now defunct) "Scoops Central" (later called "the Scoops Wrestling Network") pro-wrestling news site from April 1997 to March 2001. Scoop's Cyberslam subsite featured multiple federations, each of whom amongst the "Majors" would send their top "slammer" (as eWrestlers were referred to in CSlam) to a special federation at the end of each month to fight for CSlam's "Ultimate Championship." The winner would be named the "Ultimate Champ" and would have his picture on the main page of Cyberslam for the following month. Due to the resurgence of the popularity of wrestling at the time, and the popularity of the Scoops news site, the CSlam roster quickly expanded to include thousands of characters and, by its end, over 50 "Major" and "Indy" federations, making it the largest collection of connected eFeds in the history of eWrestling. Part of the popularity of the site came from the fact that it was not merely roleplaying-based, but also included a wrestling "engine" that allowed the slammers to actually fight matches. The success or failure of slammers in these wrestling simulations depended on the moves they chose. The site remained popular, despite common complaints that the game was fading and not as good as it used to be, until the plug was pulled on it in February and March 2001 by its owners in favor of launching a new (but ultimately doomed for failure) site called Cyberbrawls.