| - Caper Rationalization is how a caper story featuring a charismatic, likable and funny group of thieves can avoid alienating the audience through Values Dissonance. After all, when you boil the story down to its essence, we have to admit that these so-called "heroes" we are cheering on are criminals, and they are in the process of robbing someone of something very valuable. Why are we rooting for them to succeed, again? The Caper Rationalization can be more or less believable depending on the situation. The point is, it allows the audience to enjoy it without feeling guilty.
| - Caper Rationalization is how a caper story featuring a charismatic, likable and funny group of thieves can avoid alienating the audience through Values Dissonance. After all, when you boil the story down to its essence, we have to admit that these so-called "heroes" we are cheering on are criminals, and they are in the process of robbing someone of something very valuable. Why are we rooting for them to succeed, again? Oh yeah! Because they're not just stealing to get rich... they're stealing because they have a good reason to steal. They are stealing their own property back from the target, who took it from them in some unjust way. Or the caper is actually a rescue attempt (or some variant thereof). Or the target did something bad to the characters to make it a revenge attempt. Or the target distastefully earned the wealth, and the heroes are trying to Pay Evil Unto Evil (you know, Just Like Robin Hood!). Sometimes, the entire point of the caper is espionage or sabotage, which gives the heroic criminals a sort of patriotic "license to steal." Other times, the crew is a Tiger Team, and are breaking into a place to intentionally test its security. The Caper Rationalization can be more or less believable depending on the situation. The point is, it allows the audience to enjoy it without feeling guilty. Related to Justified Criminal, Sympathetic Criminal, and Karmic Thief. Compare Double Caper, where the rationalization of the second caper is generally "to fix the stuff we broke by doing the first caper". See also Asshole Victim, which can be used to "rationalize" a murder. Examples of Caper Rationalization include: