| - According to legend, the Nullifers were a group of unimaginably evil beings that once ravaged the world. They were opposed by Lord Casterwill, the first Seeker, who summoned the Titans to Earth using the Amulet of Will to fight a war against this threat. After a 500-year conflict, Lord Casterwill was able to seal the Nullifiers in the Spiral Mark with a powerful spell. This spell could only be broken by the Willblade and the power of Void on the longest night of the year with the Red Comet approaching Earth. After the death of Lord Casterwill, however, his most trusted friend betrayed Casterwill and his family, summoning the Nullifiers back to Earth with the Amulet of Void and controlling them with the power of the Necklace of Tutankhamun. This time, the Nullifiers were opposed by the elder and younger sons and the elder and younger daughters of Casterwill, as well as his Champion. After another conflict, the Nullifiers again were sealed within the Spiral Mark through the power of the Willblade. Eventually, through the guidance of the spirit of the Betrayer, Rassimov was able to gather the Amulet of Void and the Necklace of Tutankhamun. Though Rassimov attempted to use the power of Void for personal gain, the Betrayer had set events into motion to allow for his own return. Using his own power, the Betrayer was able to signal for the return of the Nullifiers before he was defeated by the Casterwill-Foundation alliance.