SLASH'EM (Super Lotsa Added Stuff Hack - Extended Magic) is a variant of NetHack based on NetHack version 3.4.3. The object of the game is the same: to fetch the Amulet of Yendor from the bottom of the Gehennom and offer it to your god. Compared to vanilla NetHack, SLASH'EM contains six and five for the player to choose from, several new special levels, several new monsters, new items and , and other changes. The main dungeon is longer in SLASH'EM than in NetHack but the Gehennom is shorter. SLASH'EM is available for Windows, MS-DOS, Linux, OS/2 and (obsolete) Mac classic, but not Mac OS X.
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- Slash'EM
- Slash'em
| - Slash'em è un gioco ASCII di avventura con ambientazione fantasy. E' un clone di NetHack con più funzionalità. E' possibile scegliere tra più razze per il proprio personaggio e vi sono molte altre aggiunte. Ha però anche una carenza rispetto al gioco originale, perchè non utilizza i colori per indicare i mostri. Tuttavia questa scelta può anche piacere, è una questione di gusti.
- 키워드 : Slash'EM, SlashEM, 슬레쉬엠, 슬레시엠
- SLASH'EM - gra oparta na NetHacku.Zawiera nowe rzeczy, m.i.n. zaklęcia.Każdy przedmiot może zostać użyty.Celem nadal jest znalezienie Amuletu Yendoru. Do wyboru:
* Dwie płci(męska i żeńska)
* Trzy charaktery
* Praworządny(lawful)
* Neutralny(neutral)
* Chaotyczny(chaotic)
* Dziesięć ras
* Doppelganger
* Drow
* Krasnolud(dwarf)
* Elf(elf)
* Gnom(gnome)
* Hobbit(hobbit)
* Człowiek(human)
* Likantrop(lycanthrope)
* Ork(orc)
* Wampir(vampire)
* Aż osiemnaście klas!
* Archeolog(Archeologist)
* Barbarzyńca(Barbarian)
* Jaskiniowiec(Caveman)
* Mag ognia(Flame Mage)
* Uzdrowiciel(Healer)
* Mag lodu(Ice Mage)
* Rycerz(Knight)
* Mnich(Monk)
* Nekromanta(Necromancer)
* Kapłan(Priest)
* Ło
- SLASH'EM (Super Lotsa Added Stuff Hack - Extended Magic) is a variant of NetHack based on NetHack version 3.4.3. The object of the game is the same: to fetch the Amulet of Yendor from the bottom of the Gehennom and offer it to your god. Compared to vanilla NetHack, SLASH'EM contains six and five for the player to choose from, several new special levels, several new monsters, new items and , and other changes. The main dungeon is longer in SLASH'EM than in NetHack but the Gehennom is shorter. SLASH'EM is available for Windows, MS-DOS, Linux, OS/2 and (obsolete) Mac classic, but not Mac OS X.
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| - 무료, Nethack General Public License
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| - Windows, Unix-Like OSes, Apple Mac OS Classic
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| - SLASH'EM (Super Lotsa Added Stuff Hack - Extended Magic) is a variant of NetHack based on NetHack version 3.4.3. The object of the game is the same: to fetch the Amulet of Yendor from the bottom of the Gehennom and offer it to your god. Compared to vanilla NetHack, SLASH'EM contains six and five for the player to choose from, several new special levels, several new monsters, new items and , and other changes. The main dungeon is longer in SLASH'EM than in NetHack but the Gehennom is shorter. Most people regard SLASH'EM as much more difficult than vanilla NetHack. The latest stable version of SLASH'EM is 0.0.7E7F3 and the latest development version is 0.0.8E0F1. SLASH'EM is available for Windows, MS-DOS, Linux, OS/2 and (obsolete) Mac classic, but not Mac OS X.
- SLASH'EM - gra oparta na NetHacku.Zawiera nowe rzeczy, m.i.n. zaklęcia.Każdy przedmiot może zostać użyty.Celem nadal jest znalezienie Amuletu Yendoru. Do wyboru:
* Dwie płci(męska i żeńska)
* Trzy charaktery
* Praworządny(lawful)
* Neutralny(neutral)
* Chaotyczny(chaotic)
* Dziesięć ras
* Doppelganger
* Drow
* Krasnolud(dwarf)
* Elf(elf)
* Gnom(gnome)
* Hobbit(hobbit)
* Człowiek(human)
* Likantrop(lycanthrope)
* Ork(orc)
* Wampir(vampire)
* Aż osiemnaście klas!
* Archeolog(Archeologist)
* Barbarzyńca(Barbarian)
* Jaskiniowiec(Caveman)
* Mag ognia(Flame Mage)
* Uzdrowiciel(Healer)
* Mag lodu(Ice Mage)
* Rycerz(Knight)
* Mnich(Monk)
* Nekromanta(Necromancer)
* Kapłan(Priest)
* Łotr(Rogue)
* Ranger
* Samuraj(Samurai)
* Turysta(Tourist):D
* Zabójca umarłch(Undead Slayer)
* Walkiria(Valkyrie)
* Czarodziej(Wizard)
* Yeoman Każda postać zaczyna z innym zestawem przedmiotów i umiejętności.Przedmioty mają % szansy na to że będa.Np. archeolog ma pewną szansę że trafi na magiczny marker(magic marker) ale zawsze ma kilof. Naciskająć SHIFT + X można włączyć Discovery Mode w którym giniemy kiedy chcemy ale nie jest punktowany. To tylko zalążek artykułu (najprawdopodobniej o jakiejś grze). Jeśli możesz – rozbuduj go.Kategoria:Zalążki artykułów
- Slash'em è un gioco ASCII di avventura con ambientazione fantasy. E' un clone di NetHack con più funzionalità. E' possibile scegliere tra più razze per il proprio personaggio e vi sono molte altre aggiunte. Ha però anche una carenza rispetto al gioco originale, perchè non utilizza i colori per indicare i mostri. Tuttavia questa scelta può anche piacere, è una questione di gusti.
- 키워드 : Slash'EM, SlashEM, 슬레쉬엠, 슬레시엠