| - Duel Monster Spirits, Duel Spirits, or what are now known as Duel Monsters is the name given to the magical, spiritual, and otherworldly creatures who have the capability to be summoned by a duelist. Ancient legends and carvings of Duel Monsters inspired Maximillion Pegasus to create the popular card game of the same name. They live primarily in the Duel Monsters Spirit World, although their relationships with humans and Earth are sometimes unclear, and differ within the different Yu-Gi-Oh! series. It is unknown if every Duel Monsters card created within the Yu-Gi-Oh! universe has a Duel Spirit counterpart that can be summoned accordingly.
| - Duel Monster Spirits, Duel Spirits, or what are now known as Duel Monsters is the name given to the magical, spiritual, and otherworldly creatures who have the capability to be summoned by a duelist. Ancient legends and carvings of Duel Monsters inspired Maximillion Pegasus to create the popular card game of the same name. They live primarily in the Duel Monsters Spirit World, although their relationships with humans and Earth are sometimes unclear, and differ within the different Yu-Gi-Oh! series. It is unknown if every Duel Monsters card created within the Yu-Gi-Oh! universe has a Duel Spirit counterpart that can be summoned accordingly. In some cases, these spirits seem to form a strong bond with a specific human. In Ancient Egypt, these spirits took the form of a person's Ba (in Egyptian mythology, the Ba was the other half of your soul - your personality). In Egypt, some people could possess multiple spirits as their Ba. A person's Ba can fuse with their Ka (life energy) to fuse the person with their spirit, such as when Mahad became Dark Magician. It is unclear how this relationship takes form in the modern age, and in each other Yu-Gi-Oh! series - for example, the Ba of each Signer could be their Signer Dragon, but it is never stated. When a person dies, they can either pass on into the afterlife, or fuse with your Ba to become a Duel Monster Spirit (like Mahad and Mana). It is highly implied that the afterlife and the Duel Monsters Spirit World are both connected somehow. These spirits have their own societies in each part of the spirit world (the spirit world is explained by Yubel to be several entirely different dimensions), and there have even been conflicts between the spirits of some dimensions, such as between DARK Fiend-Type monsters against LIGHT Fairy-Type monsters or Warrior-Type monsters against Dragon-Type monsters, among others. Duel Spirits were allies of the human world in many ancient societies such as Atlantis, Egypt and the People of the Stars. The Earth has been both aided and plagued by both good and evil spirits. One section of the spirit world appears to be based of mostly Fairy and Dragon type monsters although Dark Magician Girl appeared to be the leader of them. Her presence in this place may indicate other Spellcaster type monsters such as Dark Magician also live there. The most notable Duel Spirits from this area are the Legendary Knights of Atlantis, Timaeus, Critias, and Hermos who are its guardians. According to Dark Magician Girl, the spirit world has existed as long as mankind has existed. Another section is Neo Space, which is the realm beyond Earth in outer space in which consists of many Alien duel spirits such as Elemental Hero Neos and the Neo-Spacians. They believe in a being with the power to bridge the worlds of the Duel Spirits and the humans called the Supreme King, who's destined to save both worlds from The Light of Destruction. Another unique section of Duel spirits are the Numbers, whose powers originate from both Astral and Barian Worlds. Even several spirits were chosen to act as guardians to protect their respected Number cards on Earth.