| - Christian Sommers was born in Gotham City in 1980. Growing up, he was indoctrinated into the cult of Batman, reading everything he could about the masked hero. He wished that he would be able to fight crime and do some good in the world. His father owned a share of the Muir/Nevins Trust, running a corporation that dealt with pharmaceuticals. Sommers was the second of three children and his father helped get them into some of the best schools around the country. Sommers grew up living a life of luxury, but he knew how the other side lived. His parents always donated money and time to important causes to try to help those less fortunate. Sommers and his siblings would work in soup kitchens during the summers leading up to high school, giving back the way they could. After high school, Christian's grades were high enough to get him into Yale. There he excelled in his studies. Not one to miss out on fun, he gained a reputation for throwing some of the wildest parties in the school's history. While this kind of attention was bad, he was still inducted into the infamous Skull and Bones society. His father passed away a few years after he graduated, as did his older sibling, his sister. They died in an accident when one of the corporate jets went down. The impact on his mother was horrible, and she eventually committed suicide. Also before he graduated, Gotham City suffered one of its worst losses ever. The original Batman, Christian's childhood hero, died. Christian, away at school, was saddened by the loss, and focused his efforts on his school work, determined to make a name for himself and use his name and his wealth to combat poverty through philanthropy.