| - Nashara was born on Corellia and given to her Father by her Mother as a going away present. Some present that was huh? To be given your child and then told that your wife was leaving not only you but the planet never to return? Tiberius did they best he could on what little money her made as a tender at the local cantina. Raising Nashara turned out to be a joy for him and when he found out she was Force Sensitive at the age of five, it was something he forced her to ignore through gentle manipulations, words of love, and stories about the Jedi and Sith that made her cringe. During her sixth year she met a girl named Rexie, they quickly became close friends, and like sisters over time, nothing they could not do together, tell each other, or help each other with. Virtually inseperable in every way Rexie gave Nashara, a shortened version of her name as it was a bit of a mouthful, and Shara stuck, everyone liking this version much better including herself. Through the years Nashara became introverted always wondering what had happened to her mother and if she would ever be more than what her Father was, she did not want to take over his business working at the Cantina, she felt that she was destined for more than life on Corellia. Discussing this with her best friend, Shara was told by Rexie to just let it go, that such feelings were only normal among humans, Rexie is a Cathar you see...and that she would end up being much more successful then her father was. More time escaped and even though they remained close friends, something changed. Shara became attracted to Rexie, grew to love her in a way that she knew deep down should not be acknowledged, so she hid it away never to be spoken of.