| - Samus Aran's Power Suit constantly scours the environment and conducts information collection that may be pertinent to Samus during her mission. As the Suit accumulates so much data, it would likely be inefficient for Samus herself to analyse it. Instead, her Suit's computer only delivers information relevant to Samus' progression, e.g. locating new Powerups, transport, and anomalies for her to investigate. The system is extremely advanced and broad-reaching, able to conduct scans of areas very far away from Samus' location, and refine searches to find upgrades suitable to her current situation and relating to recently acquired items. The Power Suit contains a Thermal Positioner, which will automatically locate areas with power signatures, such as environmental anomalies, Save Stations, detection of important technology, and mission data via the Hint system, and display them to Samus via her Visor. One drawback of the Hint system is that it often takes a while to generate data.