| - A troll star is a star that can be obtained, but, won't raise your star counter. A troll star's appearance is identical to a normal stars appearance depending on the game they are in. They are usually indicators of where a nearby star is, even though Mario will have to trek back to this position to explore. The hidden star is usually in a very obscure spot, so the star may actually be helpful in that sense. In later hacks troll stars usually have a giveaway that they are fakes. Some are upside down, lopsided, or even have slight differences in appearance.
| - A troll star is a star that can be obtained, but, won't raise your star counter. A troll star's appearance is identical to a normal stars appearance depending on the game they are in. They are usually indicators of where a nearby star is, even though Mario will have to trek back to this position to explore. The hidden star is usually in a very obscure spot, so the star may actually be helpful in that sense. In later hacks troll stars usually have a giveaway that they are fakes. Some are upside down, lopsided, or even have slight differences in appearance. However, there are always some stars that do nothing helpful at all. In most of the hacks listed bellow, there is a star which you have to randomly pick which star, in a room full of troll stars, the one real star. Troll stars can be found in these hacks:
* Super Mario 64: Star Revenge: Night of Doom
* Mario on An Saorie (aka Star Revenge 3)
* Star Revenge 7: Park of Time
* Star Revenge 7.5 The Kedowser's Return