| - Maugrim is a silver sword in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. One of these swords can be obtained in the following manner:
* As a random loot item in a chest hidden behind the illusion in Wandering in the Dark
* Received as a reward from Salma for sparing her
- Maugrim a többi beszélő farkassal együtt a boszorkány parancsára feldúlta Tumnus barlangját. A faunt elhurcolták a kastélyba, ahol később kővé változtatták. Maugrim találkozott még Edmunddal szintén a kastélyban, mikor őrködött. Maugrim a Hódlakot is átkutatta hódék és a Pevensiek után. Később, mikor a Pevensie-testvérek Edmund kivételével mind Aslan táborában voltak, Maugrim és egyik társa megtámadta Lucyt és Susant. A két lány fölmászott a fára menekülésképp; de végül Peter végzett Maugrimmal, kardját a száján át leszúrta, a farkasnak a szívét érte a döfés. Tehát Maugrim a narniai időszámítás szerint 1000-ben hunyt el.
- Maugrim - wilk, jeden ze sług Białej Czarownicy.
- Maugrim, Captain of the Secret Police, is the secondary antagonist of The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. He was The White Witch's henchman and leader of her wolf secret police, who enforced her law. He was a large male wolf and capable fighter. In the Disney movie, he is voiced by Michael Madsen, who also played Mr. Blonde.
- Maugrim es una espada de plata en The Witcher 3. Esta espada puede obtenerse de diferentes formas. Una es durante la misión Caminando en la oscuridad, en una sección secreta de la cueva a la que se puede acceder empleando el Ojo de Nehaleni. La otra es como posible recompensa de la misión Placeres mortales.
- Maugrim (known by some records as Fenris Ulf) is the secondary antagonist in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, a ferocious talking wolf and the head captain of the White Witch's Secret Police at the very end of the Long Winter. He was loyal to the White Witch.
- Nain passant l'examen premium en même temps que Loreleï, il le réussit.
- Maugrim (known by some records as Fenris Ulf) was a ferocious talking wolf in Narnia, and the captain of the White Witch's Secret Police at the very end of the Long Winter. He was also one of the White Witch's most loyal followers, and was known for his cruelty to the other Narnians.
- Maugrim es un personaje de la película The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
- He is captain of the Witch's Secret Police (though only one of his lieutenants is ever seen). His name is derived from the words "maw" (meaning mouth), "morgue", and "Grim" (a foreboding wolf-like figure from English folklore). His name was changed to Fenris Ulf (a figure from Norse mythology) by the author [1] and this change was incorporated into early American editions of the book. More recent American editions have reverted to the original text.