| - Steve Jackson & Brandy Clark return to the Marks farm to find it totally destroyed. They also discover Rom’s Neutralizer lying abandoned in the snow. Rom is confronted by Dire Wraiths in Limbo and is observed by the Space Phantom who then begins to scheme. The Space Phantom searches out another Galadorian trapped in Limbo, Rom’s old friend Karas. He then assumes his appearance which immediately teleports Karas out of Limbo. After helping Rom in battle with the Dire Wraiths using Karas command of The Living Fire, The Space Phantom tells Rom how Karas, the original Firefall, came to be trapped in Limbo. As more Wraiths attack the Phantom tries to use the Living Fire to save himself and it rebels against him. Karas’ ID reappears in Limbo and explains to Rom what had happened. As yet another assault by the banished Dire Wraiths begins, Karas summons the Living Fire to envelop Rom and return him to Earth. As Rom asks why he Karas doesn’t free himself, Karas tells him that upon his return to his homeworld he has discovered that he has no humanity to return to. He then tells Rom to “return to Galador to see for yourself, Rom. For Galador no longer….” And then the dimensional portal shuts.
- Rom, Starshine, & Terminator arrive on the planet Thuvria following an energy trail detected by Rom's Energy Analyzer. They are confronted by a mounted and armored figure named Archon, Lord of Thuvria who quickly captures the three Spaceknights believing them to be enemies. In the throne room, Starshine uses her Lighteyes to reveal that Archon's councilor is in fact a Dire Wraith. In a savage killing mood, Terminator slays the Wraith and goes on a rampage. Archon tries to stop him and is slain by the Spaceknight who returns to his senses and agrees to return to Galador to be tried for his crimes.