| - Nation(Color) Agent # a.k.a. "Codename" was created by Username on Y!Gallery for the club Rookie Mistakes.
- Laurie served as the Purser's Steward aboard the HMS Lydia. After the death of the Ship's Surgeon, Dr. Hankey, Laurie was appointed Acting Surgeon.
- Laurie rentaba habitaciones en el hotel Bison Steve en Primm meses antes del año 2281.
- Laurie was one of several children's ghosts that were imprisoned by the Soul Catcher and bullied by Benny. She managed to escape and appeared in Peter Venkman's dream to tell him about what was going on. The Soul Catcher tried to get her, but was prevented from doing so. When the Ghostbusters finally found, defeated, and trapped the Soul Catcher, Laurie and the other children's souls were able to go free and enter the afterlife.
- Laurie was a call girl and law student that Sam Seaborn initially slept with, unaware of her profession, and later befriended.
- Laurie is an accountant whom Dominic sent to do Hawke's taxes and who provides a short romantic interlude for him in the Season 2 episode titled "Flight 093 is Missing".
- Laurie is the mother of Patty.
- Laurie is one of the workers at the Sea World Marine Park. He made few appearances. He's a good friend for Cleo and Lewis. In the episode In Hot Water, he and Mrs. Geddes accused Lewis for Ronnie's disappearance from the Marine Park. In Fish Fever, he helped cure Hector from the infection he got from a coral. His cure also helped Emma to get better, without his knowledge. In Keep Your Enemies Close, he hired Cleo as assistant dolphin trainer and taught Cleo how to train dolphins. Cleo eventually got her own show at the dolphin tank. Laurie also appeared at the episodes Power Play and Too Close for Comfort. None of the cast returns to the Marine Park for the rest of the series after the episode "Breakaway". It is not known what happens to Laurie after his last episode.
- Laurie du Salador is a troubadour and Pug's friend during his time in Tsuranuanni. He became the Duke of Salador after marrying Princess Carline.
- Laurie is Ellen's daughter, and can be found sitting in a her wheelchair at the Stagecoach Inn room #18 in Quartz. If you use the Room key 18 and give her 1 of the 2 proper passcodes "urabutln" or "uraqt2" you will receive a loot bag and the password to the Courthouse (MUERTE).
- Laurie (フラッペ, Furappe, Frappe en japonais, Sprinkle en anglais, Brina en italien, Svenja en allemand, Rizolda en espagnol) est un pingouin apparaissant comme villageoise exclusivement dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer.
- Laurie (formerly PNI) is a member of the Metanet Forums. He is a forum signature collecter, gaining a sig from almost every sig maker in the community. He is also a Moderator of the Discussion forum. His most recent claim to fame is being the only user to have had a conversation with the President of The United States of America on Omegle. The transcript can be found here.
- Laurie is a level 3 skiller in RuneScape, and the co-founder of a Skilling Clan named "Chun Sa". He started playing on the account "Laurie" late 2009, after having several accounts beforehand since 2004. He has a YouTube channel named "Level3Laurie". Laurie is always seen wearing an Agility Skillcape, as it is his favourite skillcape. He currently has 6 99 stats. His first 99 stat was Agility, in February 2010. His last 99 stat was Dungeoneering, which was achieved in July 2011.
- Around ten years after Emergence Day, Laurie was recovering bodies when the Locust raided the area she was working in. Laurie was killed in the attack, leaving her boyfriend Sgt. Drew Rossi in a state of depression which took him a year to recover from.
- Laurie is a woman who was kidnapped by John and Magda Plasky and kept as a sex slave.
- Laurie was a minor character in the non-canonical novel The Warren Witches. She was featured in the story The Crucible.
- Laurie is the Ranged Cape holder, and also King Lance's girlfriend. She lives in the Lumbridge Castle, which she protects with her arrows and her dark bow. Thanks to her skills, she fires three arrows instead of the usual two. She comes from Greece, from a family of farmers, and just like other children around the world, she came to RuneScape because the Ukurians came to her country and attacked it. She has an older brother who stays in the Castle when he comes to RuneScape. She also trains people to be better archers. She is not someone you would like to be with, because she likes shouting at people and is quite manipulative. In addition to this she is also the least nice person in the King's Order. This is quite obvious because every time Treo does something stupid, she punches him in th
- Laurie was an old friend of Sydney Andrews from Chicago. She showed up at the Melrose Place Apartment Complex with her son Tyler after a breakup with her boyfriend Tony. She ended up staying with Jo because Sydney's apartment was already occupied by Bobby Parezi. As Laurie searched for a job, Jo became concerned that Laurie was abusing Tyler because of a bruise on him. She later sneaked him in to see Dr. Dominick O'Malley while Laurie was at a job interview. However, Dr. O'Malley ruled out abuse. Justine Priestley is the real-life twin sister of Jason Priestley.
- Laurie is an as-yet-unseen intern on The Colbert Report. She supplies Stephen with tea when his throat is scratchy prior to live satellite interview segments. Though some liberals and Asians out in the blogosphere are offended by the 'Ching Chong Ding Dong' character Stephen sometimes likes to portray while sipping the tea Laurie brings him, Laurie is not offended. She is actually black, as seen in the Intercepted Satellite Feed video. Stephen might have thought she was Asian as he cannot see race or color (except red, white, and blue).
- Laurie (originally Silphrena Lauriendal Begoniansa) was an agent in the Department of Mary Sues (Lord of the Rings Division) around the time of the Original Series. She was written by EmJay, a.k.a. Rian Silverleaf.