- Ham was the son of Noah and the brother of Shem and Japheth. He was the father of Cush, Mizraim, Phut and Canaan. These were the ancestors of the Sudan, Egypt, Libya, and the Canaanites, respectively.
- Ham — ghul występujący w części Fallout 4, jest strażnikiem w barze Trzecia Szyna
- Ham was a type of meat product. The Fifth Doctor once ate a ham sandwich. (AUDIO: Winter for the Adept) Samantha Jones didn't like ham because her mother packed her lunches with it until she was eight. (PROSE: Beltempest) Eugene Jones ordered two eggs, ham and chips every single day at a local café. (TV: Random Shoes) Idris Hopper liked ham and pineapple on his pizza. (PROSE: The Twilight Streets) The Eleventh Doctor used ham when making himself and Craig Owens an omelette. Craig remarked that it was the most enjoyable thing he had ever tasted. (TV: The Lodger)
- Ham is the meat taken from certain parts of pigs. A cut of pork that is taken from the meat on the middle part of the shank bone extending to the hip bone on the hind leg of the hog. There are two basic types of ham: fresh ham (uncooked) or cured ham (cooked). Cured hams can be brine-cured or dry-cured and then boiled or lightly smoked. If ham is cured, smoked, and then allowed to age for a longer period of time (1 year or more) to develop more flavor, it is most often classified as a "gourmet" ham. Cuts of ham are available with (bone-in) or without bones (boneless), as specialty hams, and as cooked, partially cooked, or uncooked hams.
- Ham (Aficionado en España) es un personaje menor de la serie. Es un estudiante de la Escuela Primaria de Springfield. En otra parte es uno de los nerds integrante de Los Superamigos, junto a Database, Cosine, E-Mail, Report Card y Lisa. Su voz original se la da Pamela Hayden.
- Ham (AKA- Chang, Chimp No. 65 and Chop Chop Chang) the Chimpanzee who lived from July 1956 to January 19, 1983, also known as Ham the Chimp and Ham the Astrochimp was a early participant in the space race.
- Ham was the son of Noah and the brother of Shem and Japeth. He was the father of Cush, Mizraim, Phut and Canaan. These were the ancestors of the Sudan, Egypt, Libya, and the Canaanites, respectively.
- District of the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. See also Ham House, and, elsewhere in London East Ham and West Ham. More information on the Wikipedia page [1]
- Ham is the thigh and rump of pork from the haunch of a pig or boar. When Colonel Jack O'Neill visited Colonel Frank Simmons, Simmons was eating a ham sandwich. (SG1: "Desperate Measures") When Dr. Rodney McKay was affected by the Second Childhood parasite and taken to the Shrine of Talus, his 'last meal' included Ham. (SGA: "The Shrine")
- Ham es un personaje secundario de Fallout 4.
- Ham is a NPC in Old Shaitan City.
- Ham is the second of Noah's three sons.
- Ham is a meat often imitated, but never duplicated. It is eaten by many cultures, including Moslems and Jews, particularly on popular Jewish holidays such as Hanukkah and Holocaust Celebration Day. However, it is restricted only to terrorists, so anyone may eat it. Ham is a white meat, but is eaten by black people (naggers.. they nag a lot). This makes it a integrated meat, and was responsible for the civil war and the death of Martin Luther King, Jr. Ham has been deemed evil and unethical by the United Nations for its ability to cause such wars, but not deemed unethical by the NAACP. This is because it is classified as soul food, especially if on a "hock".
- Ham and Leal, were the only servants left to the Sayers when Orman and Old Bear visited. The morning after their arrival, Ham assisted Old Bear taking a bath by pouring jugs of water over him. When Old Bear had had enough, he commented that Ham was maybe enjoying his chores too much to which Ham replied that one must take pleasure in one's work. He addressed Old Bear as 'sor'. After the soaking, he threw the wet man a blanket and commented that no blade would be up to the task of shaving Old Bear.
- Ham is an American food that is made by placing a 700 pound pig in a trash compactor. It is also the architect of The Greatest Administration Ever!! Before consumption, a ham is usually glazed with honey. The bearrorist group Hamas are known for their love of ham. The most famous ham glazers in the industry is the Honey Baked Ham Company. The most famous stock holder of Honey Baked Ham Company is OJ Simpson.
- Ham is a member and alleged leader of the Superfriends club, along with Database, Cosine, E-mail, Report Card and Lisa. He is a short, fat kid with suspenders, a bow-tie and glasses. His nickname comes from his enjoyment of ham radio. He makes the fourth most appearances out of The Superfriends (the three who make the most are Lisa, Cosine and Database).
- Under Shaper law, the practice of making potions is punished severely if done by someone without the guidance of a Shaper. This automatically makes Ham a dead man if he is ever caught by Shapers. Nevertheless, he openly sells potions to the player character, a Shaper. His items include a variety of pods, spores, crystals, and even living tools.
- Ham is a common topping for pizza. It is a slice of cooked pig skin.
- Ham can be found in buildings and houses, and occasionally on boars.
- c. 1637, [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Ham]] hamme, from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Ham]] hamm 'bend of the knee', from Proto-Germanic *xanmō (cf. Dutch ham, German dialect Hamme), from pre-Germanic *konɘmā, from Proto-Indo-European *knāmā 'shin' (cf. Middle Irish [[cnáim#|cnáim]] 'bone', Ancient Greek knḗmé 'shinbone'). Compare gammon.
- Professor Goodfellow used a G.E.E.C. computer terminal that would serve him ham and many other types of food with the press of a button. Wendy once prepared a dinner, and ham was among the things served. Marvin had some on his plate.
- Fichier:Food35.jpg Ham : Une nourriture nécessaire pour le nouvel an disponible 3 jours qui existe en 2 versions. Une qui augmente les MP maximum de 10% et une autre qui les augmente de 15%.
- The Ham is an item in Clock Tower: The First Fear. It is found in the refrigerator of the Barrows Mansion kitchen. If Jennifer Simpson ends up locked in the cage with Simon Barrows, she can give it to him to satisfy his hunger. If she investigates Simon without the ham equipped, however, Simon will attack and presumably eat her, having been suffering from starvation in addition to partial insanity, and the player will be presented with a Dead End.
- Ham is a bouncer living in the Commonwealth in 2287.
- Ham is the thigh and rump of pork, cut from the haunch of a pig or boar. Although it may be cooked and served fresh, most ham is cured in some fashion. Cuts referred to as ham in the U.S. are also called gammon in the U.K., South Africa, Isle of Man, and Ireland.
- Ham is a friendship between Sam Wiggle and Henry the Octopus.
- Ham – miejscowość, w której mieszkał Giles, miejsce akcji powieści pt. "Gospodarz Giles z Ham". W czasie, w którym toczy się akcja utworu, wieś była świadkiem wielu dziwnych wydarzeń, między innymi przybycia olbrzyma, a także została rozbudowana, za sprawą pozyskania przez Gilesa części skarbów smoka Chrysophylaxa. Kategoria:Miejsca z Opowieści z Niebezpiecznego Królestwa
- Ham is a food made from dead pigs. For some reason, Jewish people cannot eat it - no matter how hard they try, the ham screams and flutters away through the air every single time, leaving them empty handed. Almost. As compensation, giggling cheese tends to appear out of nowhere and place itself conveniently inside their pockets. Ham is also an effective vegetarian deterrent.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ A ham is an ingredient. Its rarity is rated 4 out of 5 in the game. It was released on .
- Ham was the youngest of Noah's three sons, in the Flood account in the Book of Genesis. Along with his older brothers, Shem and Japheth, and their wives, he lived a lengthy amount of time on the Ark during the Flood. As a survivor of the flood Ham would go on to be the ancestors of many people, including several notable enemies of the Israelites such as the Canaanites, Egyptians or Philistines
- It was found by Graham in Castle Dracula on a table in the dining hall. The smoked ham had a wonderful, savory smell. It was hard for Graham to resist tasting it. It appeared as though someone had taken a bite out of it. Graham gave it to the lion guarding the Crystal Tower. Daventry is also known for its Daventry hams.
- In "Tak: The Hideous New Girl", the second half of the episode opens with Zim randomly fighting a Ham Demon, which he ends by tossing it into the distance. No explanation is ever given for how this came to be. In "The Girl Who Cried Gnome", when Dib is forced to buy Girly Ranger cookies, he pays them with the first thing he pulls out of his pocket, which happens to be a ham, to the anger of the Rangers. Dib is confused as to why he had ham in his pocket.
- Hicieron su debut en septiembre del 2008 a través de la MNet teniendo un show llamado "Hello, we are the new group HAM", que mostró su pre-estreno y los días de entrenamiento. Su debut salió al aire en MNet también el 17 de septiembre del 2008. El grupo hizo las promociones para la canción " T.T Dance ", incluido en su primer single " CHERISH THE HOPE! ", de septiembre a noviembre del 2008. Inmediatamente después de su debut, se anunció el lanzamiento de su segundo single en diciembre llamado " Girls, Falling in Love ", y su debut en Japón. Llevan a cabo un concierto conjunto con el grupo ídolo japonés Marry Doll en Corea y Japón, y apareciendo en CS Victory Idol Sniper TV show. En octubre del 2009, la ex líder del grupo, Miyu , abandonó el grupo, y el resto de los miembros lanzaron su cua