| - The So Paulo Stock Exchange, based in So Paulo City, is the most important Stock Exchange in So Paulo, the SPSE index 7 biggest companies are: Fishing So Paulo Complex S/A, Voyage SP Ltda., SPAgriculture S/A, So Paulo Bank Inc., BuildaSP S/A, Kaniegu S/A, and International Communications Group.
| - The So Paulo Stock Exchange, based in So Paulo City, is the most important Stock Exchange in So Paulo, the SPSE index 7 biggest companies are: Fishing So Paulo Complex S/A, Voyage SP Ltda., SPAgriculture S/A, So Paulo Bank Inc., BuildaSP S/A, Kaniegu S/A, and International Communications Group. Other important companies in So Paulo Stock Exchange: EnergySP S/A, Group Estandartes of Communication,Group August, PĆ³dium Communications Group, Kavilyan Importing and Exporting S/A, WaSP S/A, So Paulo Aluminuim Company S/A, Juwl Industries S/A, So Paulo Airlines, SP Oil, TudoVerde S/A, Gaur Rubber & Tires S/A, Dadevu Spices S/A, SPTec S/A, Glaudian S/A,Farm & Leather SP, Covert Coal and Ores,Juaran Armament Research & Technology and STVS.