| - A combined force unit of the Union Defence Force, comprising vessels of the Caspian, Krittish, and Yari navies. The Third Fleet was founded in the fourth year of The Crest, and its sponsor was Her Honorable Senator Aly Soussamon. The fleet's nickname was the Iron Torch Fleet, and was often dispatched to patrol the regions of Caspia's frontier that were closest to the Perlemian Trade Route. Because of this, the forces of the fleet found themselves tackling pirates and raiders on a frequent basis, and those pilots that distinguished themselves became aces and masters of their trade.
| - A combined force unit of the Union Defence Force, comprising vessels of the Caspian, Krittish, and Yari navies. The Third Fleet was founded in the fourth year of The Crest, and its sponsor was Her Honorable Senator Aly Soussamon. The fleet's nickname was the Iron Torch Fleet, and was often dispatched to patrol the regions of Caspia's frontier that were closest to the Perlemian Trade Route. Because of this, the forces of the fleet found themselves tackling pirates and raiders on a frequent basis, and those pilots that distinguished themselves became aces and masters of their trade. Growing in strength and ability, Third Fleet began to take on a mishmash of warship classes, and soon garnered the reputation of being "An Admiral's hobby fleet". While no means ragtag, it became a bit of a logistical challenge to coordinate all the varied classes of ships. The combined power of such diversity, though, outshone any detracting issues. With its new assembly of force, Third Fleet travelled out onto the galactic stage in a limited capacity. One notable tour took her from Caspia to Mon Calamari on a goodwill visit, then to Corporate Sector Authority space, then to Thule, Toprawa, and finally Ithor as a "sabbatical stop-over". Each tour out would be followed by increasingly longer rotations back home in the Caspian system, as galactic tensions and events would precipitate and cause concern by The Crest and the Admiralty. Because of its flexible nature, and the manner in which the officers of Third Fleet treated fleet operations, it was felt that Third Fleet would be strategically best-serving if it was to remain in Caspia as much as possible. Third Fleet was at the center of the Imperial War of Aggression, dueling with elements of the Empire's Task Force Steel Resolve over the course of three months (see below). At the close of the campaign, the Third Fleet was disbanded and reconstituted into The Home Fleet.