| - Once IAmTheBreadMan32 purged his sins out of his body, he created this monstrous, horrifying, evil clone with a backwards name. And that evil clone, thirty-punched IAmTheBreadMan32 and he got knocked unconscious. Once he woke up and gave his evil clone a rematch, he threw pocket sand into the evil clone's eye, which didn't affect the clone. The clone beat up his good self horribly and choked IAmTheBreadMan32, until IAmTheBreadMan32 activated his instant fuck you and bitchslapped the clone, which made the clone let go. Then, IAmTheBreadMan32 proceeded to bitchslap the clone many times, until he hard bitchslapped the clone, then created a vacuum that can store all evil no matter how darn evil they are, and, with all his power, bitchpunched him again to knock him unconscious, destroying the r
| - Once IAmTheBreadMan32 purged his sins out of his body, he created this monstrous, horrifying, evil clone with a backwards name. And that evil clone, thirty-punched IAmTheBreadMan32 and he got knocked unconscious. Once he woke up and gave his evil clone a rematch, he threw pocket sand into the evil clone's eye, which didn't affect the clone. The clone beat up his good self horribly and choked IAmTheBreadMan32, until IAmTheBreadMan32 activated his instant fuck you and bitchslapped the clone, which made the clone let go. Then, IAmTheBreadMan32 proceeded to bitchslap the clone many times, until he hard bitchslapped the clone, then created a vacuum that can store all evil no matter how darn evil they are, and, with all his power, bitchpunched him again to knock him unconscious, destroying the realm that they were in, then sucked him in the vacuum. He was in the vaccum for a very long time, but then he broke out eventually. He decided to attack after waiting, clearing out all of Breadverse, nearly killing Bread, and fighting on par with Lance. Lance gave Evil Bread a bread form, but then sealed him in it. Lance thought keeping him there would be boring, so he let Evil Bread go to higher forms for about and hour. If Lance didn't put that seal, Breadverse would be Deadverse.