| - The libraries are still being filled by his books - so which version is true? A man held in thrall by a Golem, forced to write day and night without break for sleep nor rest or are unscrupulous want-to-be writers attempting to make a quick buck off the back of a literary legend? This book is a plea for help! For your childhood memories of good books, the brave adventurers who read this book, please find out whatever became of Leetha Arnadette!
- Whatever became of Leetha Arnadette? Volume 2
- The editorial team charged with the task of editing Arnadette's writings was hopelessly overwhelmed. Not only did the man write unceasingly himself, he was also capable of dictating three books to scribes at the same time. He rested only to sleep and eat, and that infrequently. His Editor in Chief had the idea of turning to the sorcerer Eclesius to create a Scribe Golem to keep up with the stream of literature. Eclesius found the idea wonderful After many false starts and several fatal accidents the Scribe Golem was completed. Not only was this Golem capable of editing and writing down Arnadette's work at the same pace as the author, it was also capable of banding the books, leaving the editorial team with little more to do than distribute the end product to various libraries. While this meant that Arnadette's works could finally be recorded without a backlog building up, Arnadette himself began to suffer. Whenever he wished to break to sleep, eat, or anything else, the Golem would go on the rampage screaming "More Books! More Books!" and start destroying the interior furnishings. Eventually, the editorial team left one by one, unable to help Arnadette, and in fear of their lives should he ever cease to produce literature leading to the Golem going fully out of control. Eclesius was also strangely uncontactable. The Editor in Chief stuck with his old master as long as he could, but even he, in his old age was forced to abandon him.