| - Snorks is an animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions which ran on NBC from September 15, 1984 to May 13, 1989, with the more success received from the animated series The Smurfs. The show was shown on CBBC in the UK.
- Casey Kelp and AllStar Seaworthy enjoy a dinner date in "Brian the Bachelor".
- Snorks is an animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera which ran on NBC from September 15, 1984 to May 13, 1989. Although not as popular as the animated series The Smurfs, the program continued to be available in syndication from 1986 to 1989 as part of The Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera's 3rd season, on USA Network in the late-1980s and early-1990s. The series aired in reruns on Cartoon Network from 1992-2000, when it moved to sister channel Boomerang. Snorks began airing again on Boomerang in 2012.
- The Snorks are tiny underwater people with tubes in their heads that propel them from place to place. They live in Snorkland, a modern utopia at the bottom of the sea that combines modern conveniences with the ocean. The main group of Snorks is a group of teenagers who try to save the town whenever Snorkland is in danger. The main hero of the series is Allstar Seaworthy, a yellow snork who is brave, always thinks up creative ideas and is leaderlike.