| - __INDEX__ right|250px Gordon "Gordy" G. Rockefeller III. ist der verrückte und faule Hausmeister der Schule und wird von Daran Norris gespielt. Gordy ist befreundet mit Ned, Cookie und Moze und gibt ihnen Tipps, die manchmal auch nützlich sind. Sobald Gordy das Polk-Wiesel sieht, beginnt er mit der Jagd. Das Wiesel lässt sich nie fangen und bei der Jagd zerstört er die oft die halbe Schule. Kategorie:Charaktere (Neds ultimativer Schulwahnsinn)
- Angus, Gordy, Saul Friedman and Arch are the other husbands who cross dressed in order to try to turn the tables on the swindler at the mall in "The Way the Cookie Crumbles". In "California Dreamin'". Gina puts together an elaborate production of stand-ins including Angus & Gordy to convince the Brown family that Cleveland has returned home from Los Angeles and they should do the same. Gordy is voiced by John Viener.
- Gordy is a low ranking member of team Remnant the villain group in Pokemon Sharp Green for the gamecube.He is first seen in the Bullet Train where he battles Tommy the main character.In the first battle he has a L11 Poochyena Lv 11 Elekid and Lv11 Smoochum.He appears again in Team Remnant's Hideout in Phenac City where he has a Lv27 Mightyena Lv27 Elekid and Lv27 Jynx.He appears for the 3rd anf final time in the Fertile Crescent with a L34 Mightyena L35 Electabuzz and Lv36 Jynx all three times he is defeated by tommy
- Gordy era o parceiro de Sawyer que lhe emprestou dinheiro para o golpe que Saywer faria em Cassidy. Porém Sawyer mentiu que estava apaixonado por ela. Gordy ameaçou matar Sawyer se ele não desse o golpe nela. Mais tarde descobrimos que tudo foi um Grande Golpe que Sawyer fez em Cassidy e Gordy. ("The Long Con")
- Gordy was a friend of Satanist Adam.
- Gordy ist Sawyers Partner, dem er Geld schuldet. Er zwingt Sawyer einen „Langen Atem“ mit Cassidy durchzuführen. Er droht Sawyer, ihn umzubringen, wenn er den Betrug an ihr nicht durchzieht. („“) James „Sawyer“ Ford Dargestellt von Josh Holloway
- Gordy est le partenaire et créancier de Sawyer. Il le poussa à faire une "grosse arnaque" à Cassidy. Il menaça de les tuer tout les deux si Sawyer ne menait pas l'arnaque à son terme. (Conflits)
- Gordy was Sawyers partner, bij wie Sawyer geld verschuldigd was. Hij liet Sawyer Cassidy oplichten. Hij dreigde Sawyer te vermoorden als hij niet meewerkte met de oplichting.
- Gordy is a Canadian student at Cypress Creek Elementary School.
- Gordon „Gordy“ G. Rockefeller III ist der verrückte Hausmeister der James K. Polk-Schule. Er hilft sehr oft Ned, Moze und Cookie bei ihren verrückten Vorhaben. Selber arbeitet er nicht hilfreich, die Nachtschicht muss alles machen. Er versucht oft das Wiesel zu fangen, es gelingt ihm aber nicht und er trägt von seinen "Kämpfen" stets wilde Narben davon. Er kann außerdem gut tanzen und bringt es Cookie einmal bei, aber ohne Erfolg. Sein kleines Hausmeisterkämmerchen ist ein idealer Zufluchtsort für Ned, Cookie und Moze.
- Gordy was a confidence man and partner of Sawyer. Gordy had orchestrated a con for Sawyer that would involve Sawyer conning a woman named Cassidy out of $600,000 that she had taken from her husband in her divorce. After meeting Sawyer in a diner 6 months later to discuss the deal, Sawyer had explained that he had convinced her to give him the money for a supposed “long con” he would be pulling with her, but informed Gordy that he wasn’t going to go through with it. Gordy then explained that Sawyer owed him money, and that if he didn’t pay him and didn’t go through with the con, that he would kill Sawyer and Cassidy.
- Gordy is short and plump, with muddy clothes typical of a miner, and carries a pick-ax. He wears a torch-light above his head. He has a short temper (presumably caused by the fact that he has to work with Willard). Out of the two, he appears to be the smarter one. Often, Gordy will attempt to avoid helping Jak, in which Willard, being the less intelligent one, will correct Gordy. For example, Gordy tells them there's "nothing to see here," to which Willard says there is a huge gemstone, and Gordy responds with anger.
- Gordy is a minor character in the fifth season. He is played by Tristan McConnell.
- He is a small African-American boy with freckles and black hair. He is seen wearing a purple shirt with dark green pants and a green hat.
- Gory Gordy is a character that appears in the A Pirate's Daughter campaign in Heroes of Might and Magic IV. He was Black Balfour's first mate.
- Gordy era el compañero de Sawyer. Éste le debía dinero, y le dijo a Sawyer que o realizaba una gran estafa con Cassidy o le mataría.
- A 1995 movie in which a piglet goes on a search for his family and along the way, he meets a country-singing girl with no mother and a rich boy with no father (Hey, it's a Disney-distributed movie!). Eventually, Gordy becomes famous. The film was a failed attempt at providing an acting vehicle for Country Music singer Doug Stone, who also sang many of the songs in its soundtrack (including "More Love", which was a hit single for him). This film contains examples of:
- Gordy is a 1995 American feature film about a piglet who searches for his missing family (who are taken away to a slaughterhouse in Omaha, Nebraska). The piglet, named Gordy, experiences the lives of others which are part of the film's side plots, including travelling country singers Luke McAllister and his daughter, Jinnie Sue, and lonely boy Hanky Royce whose mother, Jessica, is engaged to a sinister businessman, Gilbert Sipes. Gordy changes lives for the people he encounters due to their ability to understand him. The film was released to theatres on May 12, 1995. It was distributed by Miramax Family Films.
- NC: Hello, I'm the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don't have to. We're all aware of movie ripoffs, aren't we? NC: (VO) Whenever a big hit comes out, there's always an underground ripoff with a similar title that makes people think it's somehow connected with the original, if not believing it's the original itself. NC: But, hey, apparently kids liked it, as you can see one reviewer quoted as saying "Kids will squeal for Gordy!". Mountain Man: Come on, squeal! WEEE! Bobby: WEEE! Mountain Man: WEEE! Bobby: WEEE! NC: Let's not waste any time and start chewing the fat. This is Gordy. Hanky: Help!
- Gordy è stato complice di Sawyer che gli doveva dei soldi. Ha partecipato alla truffa ai danni di Cassidy. Gordy ha pedinato Cassidy mentre Sawyer la ingannava. Quando decide che è il momento di riscuotere i suoi soldi, si incontra in una tavola a calda con Sawyer. I due sono serviti da Diane Janssen, madre di Kate. Gordy dice che Sawyer è diventato troppo intimo con la donna e pensa si sia innamorato. Sawyer vuole chiamarsi fuori dall'affare, ma Gordy minaccia di uccidere sia lui che Cassidy se la truffa non sarà portata a termine.
- Gordy is the game master of the House of Games on Buccaneer's Den in Ultima VII. Upon meeting him, it was obvious that despite trying to look like a nobleman, his dirty hands made it clear that he still was a pirate. After the Avatar entered a false name into the register, Gordy became more talkative, providing non-specific details about the House of Games and how it was founded six years ago.