Eduardo is a hulking, dangerous-looking imaginary friend with big horns and a skull for a belt buckle. But he's actually quite timid. Our Nano-improvement project needs his stuffed animal.
I'll bet Eduardo is right out front somewhere.
Return to the Cul-de-Sac with Eduardo's stuffed animal.
I love it so! But you may have it. Sniff...adios, mi stuffed little amigo.
Eduardo looks scary, but he's super nice. Go ask him for one of his stuffed animals. I'm sure he'll give it to us.
Now that we have Eduardo's stuffed animal, we can improve our Nanos of him. I'll get this to the Urban Rangers lab right away!
Aw, what a cute little stuffed animal. Eduardo sure is a funny guy.
Hey, kid. I've got another assignment for you. Will you go find Eduardo at Foster's Home?