The coordinates to the Poacher vs. Creature Battle POI are (772 87 -2109).
The Poacher vs. Creature Battle was the name of an especially prolonged conflict between poachers and violent packs of squalls and vrobals on Naboo's swamp moon of Rori during the time of the Galactic Civil War. In addition to the many hunters and poachers, the male Weequay by the name of Tombl Blaus was situated within the battle. Sometime following the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY, a spacer visited the battle zone to recover a head belonging to an R2-series astromech droid. Around this time, a spacer also spoke to Tombl Blaus to help reverse engineer a Corellian fried ice cream fryer.
The coordinates to the Poacher vs. Creature Battle POI are (772 87 -2109).
The Poacher vs. Creature Battle was the name of an especially prolonged conflict between poachers and violent packs of squalls and vrobals on Naboo's swamp moon of Rori during the time of the Galactic Civil War. In addition to the many hunters and poachers, the male Weequay by the name of Tombl Blaus was situated within the battle. Sometime following the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY, a spacer visited the battle zone to recover a head belonging to an R2-series astromech droid. Around this time, a spacer also spoke to Tombl Blaus to help reverse engineer a Corellian fried ice cream fryer.