| - History of item is unknown.
- Origin: Marvel Powers and Abilities: Grants its wielder these abilities:
* Umbrakinesis: The power to summon, create, manipulate darkness from it.
* Attack Potency: Unknown (Gorr stomped 3 Thors from 3 different time periods at the same time, one of them is an All-Father that had wielded the Odin-force longer than Odin)
* Durability: Unknown (Gorr withstood a full power blast from the All-Father Thor)
* Speed: Supersonic reaction (at least equal to Thor), Massively FTL+ flying speed (Gorr's Black Berserkers returned to him from Asgard while the two Thors were still talking (presumed within minutes), the distance between Asgard and Gorr's planet is billions of light years)
* Longevity (Gorr was more than 3900 years old during Godbomb Arc and still stomped 3 Thors)
* Regeneration
* Power Source/ God Blood: The more gods killed by it or its creations the more power the blade can provide its user. 1 2 Attack Potency: Unknown (Gorr overpowered Old King Thor, and by combining it with the Odinforce, Thor defeated a somewhat fed Galactus 1 2 3) Note: There are extreme inconsistencies surrounding this weapon. Regular Thor, who is only Solar System level, and past Thor, who was only Dwarf Star level, were able to challenge it almost as well as Odinforce/Thorforce Thor, who should logically be Multi-Galaxy level. In addition, by combining its power with the Odinforce/Thorforce, Thor was able to overcome a somewhat fed Galactus, who admittedly also displays extremely inconsistent power levels from occasion to occasion. In addition, it never explicitly displayed any destructive capacity beyond at best star level. Given all of this, and Marvel's general tendency to vastly adjust character power levels depending on the opponent, it is impossible to gauge it properly.