| - Acerola: And this is where your trial begins. Jon: Here? Acerola: Inside. Drake: Let's go inside then? Acerola: Unfortunately, only trial goers are allowed inside. Mary: What does this do? Acerola: You need to snap Pokemon to battle them so this allows you to snap Ghost type Pokemon. April: So its like a ghost finder? Acerola: Yeah. Jon: Right, then let's get going. Rotom-Dex: I wonder what Pokemon will be in here? Jon: Any Ghost types I'm imagining. Jon: Huh? Rotom-Dex: I don't think that was moving before. Jon: It wasn't. Jon: Gastly! Jon: Right, Gastly wants to battle! Rotom-Dex: I suggest using Salandit! Jon: Good call. Salandit! Jon: Flame Burst! Jon: Dragon Rage! Jon: Nasty Plot! Jon: Dodge and then Flame Burst! Jon: Great work Salandit. Return. Rotom-Dex: That is one Pokemon dealt with. Jon: Yeah, and Gastly operated the till. Maybe the next few Pokemon move objects when we are near. Rotom-Dex: So we need to keep an eye out. Jon: If there is wind in here, then it will be harder to figure out. Jon: Rotom? Jon: A Haunter! Right, Minior! Rotom-Dex: Minior is a good choice against Haunter. Jon: Right, Minor use Acrobatics! Jon: Yes! Jon: No! Jon: Right, Ancient Power! Jon: Dazzling Gleam! Jon: Acrobatics! Jon: Yes. Jon: You done amazingly Minior, return. Rotom-Dex: We must be close to the Totem Pokemon now. Jon: I hope so. Rotom-Dex: First a Gastly, then a Haunter and now a Gengar. Jon: Should have figured it out after Gastly then Haunter. Rotom-Dex: A Dragon and Fighting type? Wouldn't Brionne be a better match up? Jon: I trust in Hakamo-o. Jon: Great stuff Hakamo-o. Now, Dragon Claw! Jon: Dodge it then Draco Meteor! Jon: Sky Uppercut! Jon: Gengar is posing a real threat! Rotom-Dex: Updating data. Jon: Hmm. Jon: Draco Meteor! Jon: Trust me. Rotom-Dex: That hasn't helped anything. Jon: It has. Now Dragon Claw! Jon: Yes! Rotom-Dex: I see that was your plan. Jon: Now, Dragon Claw! Jon: Well done Hakamo-o. Jon: Is this the way through to the next room? Rotom-Dex: Where has the door gone! Jon: What? Jon: How? Jon: Are you okay? Typhlosion: Typhlo. Jon: You feel cold? Rotom-Dex: Me too! Jon: That isn't cold. That's the Totem Pokemon watching us! Narrator: Jon has begun his trial, and has battled Gastly, Haunter and Gengar to get this far. But how is he, Rotom-Dex and Typhlosion trapped in a spare room? And who is the Totem Pokemon? Find out next time!