| - Nurse Joy: Here you go. Jon: Thanks. Nurse Joy: However, Rhyperior can’t battle tomorrow. Jon: Why not? Nurse Joy: Rhyperior has taken more damage from Cross Poison than I thought with it being a direct hit. Jon: Hey Rhyperior. Nurse Joy told me that you can’t be in the battle against Tyler tomorrow. Rhyperior: Rhy. Perior, Rhy! Jon: Can Rhyperior have a TV to watch the match tomorrow? Nurse Joy: Sure. Jon: I’ll see you later on Rhyperior, going to get some training in. Nate: How’s Rhyperior? Jon: Cross Poison done more than we thought and Rhyperior won’t be able to battle tomorrow. Mary: That sucks. Jon: We have a big match against Tyler tomorrow. We need to train to win! Mary: That’s the spirit. Jon: Nate, do you have my remaining Pokemon on you? Jon: We are going to train all day to get ready to beat Tyler tomorrow. Nate: What do you want us to do? Jon: Can Pikachu work with you and Raichu? I want Pikachu to have the best electric attacks and with Raichu’s help, that will be accomplished. Nate: Right. Jon: Team Rocket! Mary: What are you guys here for! Missy: We are taking your Pokemon, what else. Mike: They are now part of Team Rocket! Missy: Weezing, Hyper Beam! Mike: Annoying Pokemon! Jon: Pikachu, Iron Tail! Missy: Hahahaha. Weezing, Hyper Beam again. Missy: What! Mike: We’ll get them all back. Go Vileplume! Jon: A Vileplume. Mike: Sludge Bomb! Jon: Electro Ball! Missy: Hyper Beam! Luke: A shiny Vaporeon? Nate: I think I know that Vaporeon. Jon: Dillon. Dillon: Glad I got here in time. Nate: So the Swift from earlier was from Vaporeon? Dillon: Right. Mike: If we get the Vaporeon. Energy Ball! Dillon: Thanks Quilava. Jon: Fire Blast! Missy: Weezing, Hyper Beam! Dillon: Hydro Pump! Jon: Thunderbolt Pikachu! Jon: Time to send them flying. Mike: I’m not liking this. Jon: Pikachu, Thunderbolt. Quilava, Flamethrower. Fearow, Hidden Power. Meganium, Solar Beam. Quagsire, Stone Edge. Beedrill, Venoshock. Heracross, Megahorn in the ground and then lift up. Dillon: Shadow Ball Vaporeon! Nate: Great attacks. Jon: I’m getting hungry. How about some lunch then back to training. Mary: So Dillon, what are you doing here? Dillon: Giving Jon back his Vaporeon. Luke: That Vaporeon is yours Jon? Jon: Yep. Nate: Dillon is part of the Hoenn Pokemon Fire Squad. Vaporeon is the leader. Dillon: We were going to get here when the competition started but a big fire occurred in Mossdeep City so we had to stop there and then flights over were delayed. But we got here eventually, right Vaporeon? Vaporeon: Va. Jon: So Vaporeon, want to be in my team tomorrow? Nate: Why Vaporeon? Jon: Tyler won’t expect me to have a new Pokemon. Element of surprise. Mary: Have you thought who else you are using? Jon: Quilava and Pikachu. But I’m not sure on the rest yet. Luke: Got to train a lot then you guys. Jon: After this we will train a lot more! Jon: You have all trained perfectly. I am going with, Vaporeon, Quilava, Pikachu, Sudowoodo, Heracross and Quagsire. Nate: Two water types? Jon: That doesn’t matter. Luke: Good luck tomorrow. Jon: But we can’t win without you guys cheering. Jon: Right, tomorrow we will battle Tyler! Dillon: It’ll be a good battle. Can’t wait to watch it. Narrator: Jon has prepared for the battle against Tyler tomorrow. What will the battle bring?