When a HYDRA starts to take young inhumans captive to use them as weapons, S.H.I.E.L.D Director Phil Coulson decides its time to activate the Young Alliance Protocol. When Daisy Johnson's younger brother Theodore undergoes Terrigensis after he was tricked by Gideon Malick into joining the ATCU, it becomes apparent that HYDRA is upping the stakes, after being rescued by Mockingbird, Lance Hunter and Agent Banks, Theo became the leader of the Young Alliance. When Theo gets a message from an old friend from Afterlife, it became clear that HYDRA have a list of Inhumans that were too young to go through the process to gain their powers. Theo with the help of Secret Warriors started to track down his old friends and sent out a warning to those he could get hold off. Each will be trained by a hero who has similar powers. They will also recruit those who are talented enough to become heroes.
They are the Young Alliance.