The so-called Bob White Plot was the original story for Ultima IX. While it is often referred to as such, this original plot was in fact co-written by Richard Garriott, Brian Martin, and John Watson, with Bob White only brought in much later in the process to polish it. Planned for epic proportions and quite complex, it got axed when the game had to be re-designed to be much smaller. Lead Designer Bob White himself made the original plot public to show how much the story had evolved during development on the game. Some fragments of it are left in the final game, see Ultima IX Plot Remnants.
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| - The so-called Bob White Plot was the original story for Ultima IX. While it is often referred to as such, this original plot was in fact co-written by Richard Garriott, Brian Martin, and John Watson, with Bob White only brought in much later in the process to polish it. Planned for epic proportions and quite complex, it got axed when the game had to be re-designed to be much smaller. Lead Designer Bob White himself made the original plot public to show how much the story had evolved during development on the game. Some fragments of it are left in the final game, see Ultima IX Plot Remnants.
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| - The so-called Bob White Plot was the original story for Ultima IX. While it is often referred to as such, this original plot was in fact co-written by Richard Garriott, Brian Martin, and John Watson, with Bob White only brought in much later in the process to polish it. Planned for epic proportions and quite complex, it got axed when the game had to be re-designed to be much smaller. Lead Designer Bob White himself made the original plot public to show how much the story had evolved during development on the game. Some fragments of it are left in the final game, see Ultima IX Plot Remnants. The plot is told here in synopsis, with pictures put in that were either put back into context or that come from footage thought lost. Some of the footage comes from low-res promotion videos, therefore the quality isn't the very best.