| - According to Federation astral anthropology research, these "huge, furry creatures" were similar, but much larger than the anthropoids discovered on Hansen's Planet, and stood ten to twelve feet in height. They had not yet attained a traditional tribal culture, and existed in little more than loose associations. They employed a stone-age level of technology, wielding such weapons as leather shields, spears made with heads resembling Folsom points, and rocks. (TOS: "The Galileo Seven" )
- Taurus II Anthropoid is the designation given to an unnamed species of sapient but non-civilized robust humanoids native to the planet of Taurus II, located within the electromagnetic formation known as Murasaki 312 or the Murasaki Effect. Federation anthropologists classify them as anthropoids, order 480-G, the same classification being used for a very similar, albeit much smaller species is indigenous to Hansen's Planet.
| - Taurus II Anthropoid is the designation given to an unnamed species of sapient but non-civilized robust humanoids native to the planet of Taurus II, located within the electromagnetic formation known as Murasaki 312 or the Murasaki Effect. Federation anthropologists classify them as anthropoids, order 480-G, the same classification being used for a very similar, albeit much smaller species is indigenous to Hansen's Planet. The Taurus II Anthropoids stand ten to twelve feet high (about three to four meters). They are bulky, physically strong and covered in dense borwn fur, likely for thermal isolation. Although sapient and gregarious, these creatures have no traditional tribal structures and seem to be found in loose associations. Their technology level is comparable to that of the palaeolithical period in Human evolution, as the Anthropoids' tools are limited to spears and arrows made from wood and tooled rock. Their superior strength also allows them to use large stones as weapons by simply throwing them. This is an aggressive, territorial species, not easily frightened even by superior technology. Federation had first contact with the Anthropoids in 2267, when the Galileo, a shuttlepod under the command of Mr. Spock, crash-landed on the planet. After the creatures' attacks resulted in the death of two crewmembers, Spock managed to get the shuttlecraft to work again and leave Taurus II with the remainder of his crew.
- According to Federation astral anthropology research, these "huge, furry creatures" were similar, but much larger than the anthropoids discovered on Hansen's Planet, and stood ten to twelve feet in height. They had not yet attained a traditional tribal culture, and existed in little more than loose associations. They employed a stone-age level of technology, wielding such weapons as leather shields, spears made with heads resembling Folsom points, and rocks. (TOS: "The Galileo Seven" )