| - "Lord Devan and Lady Jayne will help find your missing, Gott. But you must be patient."
- "My origins are of no import here. What are your troubles?"
- The farmer's face softens. "Me wife never came back from the fields. Like me neighbor Cobb's daughter, the butcher's boy, Old Ann's husband..."
- "The Turners are quite useless, but I'm not. I'll find your wayward wife easily."
- "Your wife left you and the others ran off. These are your burdens, not ours. Begone."
- "Quite right," Devan says. "Show some respect, man!" Gott rolls his eyes. "Me wife and the hundred others gone... where's respect for them?"
- The farmer looks wary. "The fine Lord Devan and his finer father care more for coin than their people. You'll never help find me wife and the others."
- You sit alongside Devan and Jayne as a scowling farmer enters. "Your wealthy [Your Character] can't buy us off," he warns. "We'll have justice!"
- "Call me a bribe again, and you'll be swinging from a rope. Right, Lord Turner?"
- "I would never give coin away without cause. Is that the kind of merchant they say I am?"