| - Oriana was a tyran Goddess of Love & Fertility, Goddess of Spring, wife of Phaon and favourite of the Kytaari people.
- Oriana Vile is a character competiting in Endurance: Fiji. She is labeled as The Venezuelan Sweetheart. Oriana has yet to be eliminated.
- Oriana was a planet in the Alpha or the Beta Quadrant. It was the homeworld of the Orianians. The Orianians were divided into three mutually hostile factions: the Venturi, the Torlick, and the Green. Some time in the 22nd century, the Venturies and Torlicks began a destructive war that lasted for two centuries. By the mid-24th century, this war had left the world devastated and badly polluted, with little remaining surface vegetation, a barely breathable atmosphere, and the Orianian people sickly and slowly dying out (TNG novel: Nightshade).
- Oriana étant la sœur de Miranda Lawson, qui grâce à elle, Oriana à pu éviter les expériences biologiques de son père. Le père de Miranda est un chercheur biologique nommé Henry Lawson, il va effectué des expériences sur sa fille pour la rendre, sois-disant, "parfaite" tant par son aspect physique, tant par ses capacités biotiques et mentales augmentées... Miranda n'étant pas le première à subir ces modifications et expériences, Henry à eu d'autres filles avant Miranda, on en apprendra pas plus.
| - Oriana étant la sœur de Miranda Lawson, qui grâce à elle, Oriana à pu éviter les expériences biologiques de son père. Le père de Miranda est un chercheur biologique nommé Henry Lawson, il va effectué des expériences sur sa fille pour la rendre, sois-disant, "parfaite" tant par son aspect physique, tant par ses capacités biotiques et mentales augmentées... Miranda n'étant pas le première à subir ces modifications et expériences, Henry à eu d'autres filles avant Miranda, on en apprendra pas plus. Pour éviter cette souffrance à sa sœur, Miranda va mentir et échapper à son père pendant que sa sœur Oriana est très jeune (c'est encore un bébé). Elle va confiée sa sœur à une famille plutôt aisée sur Illium, et assurer sa protection sans que Oriana se rende compte qu'elle a une sœur, ou plutôt une Ange Gardienne.
- Oriana was a planet in the Alpha or the Beta Quadrant. It was the homeworld of the Orianians. The Orianians were divided into three mutually hostile factions: the Venturi, the Torlick, and the Green. Some time in the 22nd century, the Venturies and Torlicks began a destructive war that lasted for two centuries. By the mid-24th century, this war had left the world devastated and badly polluted, with little remaining surface vegetation, a barely breathable atmosphere, and the Orianian people sickly and slowly dying out (TNG novel: Nightshade). It had some links with Orions. In 2359, after Orion pirates attacked the USS Starbound, Starfleet Commander Darryl Adin was accused of colluding with them, in exchange for a large payment to numbered bank accounts on Oriana. (TNG novel: Survivors) By the late 2360s, the Venturies and Torlicks began peace negotiation and the USS Enterprise-D was sent to assist. Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Lieutenant Worf and Lieutenant Commander Deanna Troi visited Oriana, and became caught up in conflicts there. Finally, with all three sides dedicated to the peace process and restoring their world, Oriana awaited a permanent Federation advisor. (TNG novel: Nightshade)
- Oriana was a tyran Goddess of Love & Fertility, Goddess of Spring, wife of Phaon and favourite of the Kytaari people.
- Oriana Vile is a character competiting in Endurance: Fiji. She is labeled as The Venezuelan Sweetheart. Oriana has yet to be eliminated.