| - In the course of the process of establishing the New Singularity, factions split off from from Levistras and the New Directive. One of these groups were the Virindi who sought to embrace the physicality of the realm, lead by The Crafter. They crafted new forms, shaped in the images of humans and planned to use these creations as vessels for themselves. Though Levistras reacted positively on the creation of humanshaped servants, he disagreed on taking on these physical, insisting that cloaking themselves in physical form would taint the Virindi's purity and reduce them to the level of crude beasts, like the humans. After disagreement with Levistras about the continuation of their experiments, The Crafter and his followers established a faction known as the Martinate Virindi and constructed a set of Virindi installations, where they crafted servant creatures that looked much more convincingly human, the Simulacra. They also managed to come to favorable arrangements with local tribes of their allies, the Renegade Tumeroks. It was on the techniques developed by this faction that Candeth Martine based his Simulacra in the image of the Strathelar Royal Guard.