| - A member of the Cirque Sinister supervillain group.
- It requires character level 55 to be used.
- Cauldron är en reaktor på planeten Annwn som driver Arawns anläggning. (RPG: "System Lord Plot Hooks") kategori:Kraftkällor kategori:Goa'uld teknologi
- The Cauldron can be found in the Kitchen Bathroom section of the WShop. It is also part of the Jungle Theme. It cost 450 KinzCash. The cauldron can be used to make Stove Recipes.
- A Cauldron is a vessel for brewing or holding potions and are heated over an open fire. Cauldrons can be hung over a fire from an iron handle.
- The Cauldron is a limited-time decoration first released during the Treehouse of Horror XXIII Event. Before Treehouse of Horror XXVI Event, upon placing it, the player would unlock Marge the Witch, an alternative premium outfit for Marge Simpson. The Cauldron returned for subsequent Treehouse of Horror events. It was re-released on October 4, 2016, for the Treehouse of Horror XXVII Event, offered together with Marge the Witch as one of the possible prizes of the Mystery Jack O' Lantern.
- Cauldron is an epic base item.
- The Cauldron is a dark place (dimension?) inside Unicron himself. It is there that he transported Transformers from across time and space to fight for his benefit during the Universe conflict.
- Cauldron is a reactor of planet Annwn operating Arawn's facility. (RPG: "System Lord Plot Hooks")
- Cauldron is a Somewhat Tricky Track that is featured on a mysterious pot. Bloons come out of the top of the pot and go down the light blue squiggle. There is a fire at the bottom of the cauldron. You can't place towers on the fire, but you can place them on the coal. There is space over the hills in the background. You can place regular towers on the pot and the background. there is also some water spilling out of the cauldron, so you can place Buccaneers, Pontoons, and Tribal Turtles here as well.
- The Cauldron is a block in Minecraft. It was used for Brewing, but this method was not judged to be user-friendly, so the Brewing Stand was introduced. However, it remains the only way to get Water into The Nether, which is necessary for an efficient Nether brewery because of the time taken to enter and exit portals.
- Cauldron is a multiplayer map for StarCraft: Brood War. It supports up to six players.
- The Cauldron was an Imperial-class Star Destroyer. During the blockade of Chabosh, it was commanded by Captain Harsh.
- The Irish legends of Cerridwen's Cauldron are the source of much lore surrounding the cauldron in contemporary Wicca and Witchcraft.
- El Cauldron fue un Star Destroyer clase Imperial. Durante el bloqueo de Chabosh estuvo al mando del capitán Harsh.
- A Cauldron is a Block that can hold more Water and Potions than Bottles. They were added in Update 0.14.0.
- Cauldron is a Catch-A-Ride and Fast Travel outpost found in the Rust Commons East. Located on the eastern side of the South Drawbridge, it has medical and ammunition Vending Machines. The Cauldron serves as a useful Fast Travel point after the drawbridges are lowered and is in close proximity to the connection for Trash Coast. Areas around the Cauldron are infested with Spiderants.
- Cauldrons were once used by Muggles and wizards alike, being large metal cooking pots that could be suspended over fires. In time, magical and non-magical people alike moved on to stoves; saucepans became more convenient and cauldrons became the sole province of witches and wizards, who continued to brew potions in them. A naked flame is essential for the making of potions, which makes cauldrons the most practical pot of all.
- The Cauldron is the force that powers the Heart of the Throne.
- Cauldron is unable to take a normal human shape, and the heat of his body severely limits his chances of interacting with the world. Though his touch does not cause severe burns on its own, it causes severe discomfort to anyone not immune to heat and fire. Additionally, Cauldron is not able to create magma on his own, but must cause a mini-volcano to erupt or be close to a natural pool of magma, such as a volcano.
- Cauldron is a Canadian heavy metal band formed in 2006 in Toronto. They were formed following the breakup of Goat Horn, with guitarist Brandon Wars leaving to form a new band, Zuku. Cauldron consists of Jason Decay on vocals and bass Ian Chains on guitar and Myles Deck on Drums.
- Cauldrons are a form of brewing equipment that appeared in 1.9 Beta. The brewing function was later replaced with the brewing stand because of the inconvenient method of brewing with the cauldron. It would have been used to make Potions using Brewing Recipes.
- A Cauldron is an iron pot in which potions are brewed. They can also be used in magical rituals. The Charmed Ones use three cauldrons. One is actually a Jam Pan and is orange and small, the second is a silver one with etchings on the side, notably seen in "Charmed Again" and in "Saving Private Leo", and the third is a cast iron pot with a handle on top almost always used in the kitchen.
- Notable cauldrons are in Witch's Potion where the player must use a cauldron to make a magic spell, and in My Arm's Big Adventure the player witnesses an Adventurer being boiled alive in one by hungry trolls. There are several variations of cauldrons around RuneScape. The most commonly seen is a small cauldron which contains a green liquid. The player upon examining it states that they'd rather not know what's cooking in it. These cauldrons often appear in dungeons such as the Varrock Sewer near the moss giants.
- Kotłem nazywana jest ogromna strefa wykopaliskowa w centrum Płonącego Wąwozu. Krasnoludy Czarnego Żelaza oraz ich niewolnicy (krasnoludy Żelaznej Kuźni, gnolle i kilka ogrów) pracują w dołach i dzierżą łopaty. Na brzegach Kotła ustawione są gigantyczne machiny wykopaliskowe. Wielu zniewolonych pracowników wałęsa się bez końca wewnątrz kotła bez zmysłów, doprowadzonych do szaleństwa przez swych oprawców. Zaatakują oni bez zwłoki każdego, nawet potencjalnego oswobodziciela, jeśli tylko będzie on ingerował w ich pracę. Płonące dno Kotła zamieszkują żywiołaki ognia i magmy, wędrujące po ognistych żyłach. Ciężko powiedzieć, co tutaj jest wydobywane. Niektórzy sądzą, że krasnoludy Czarnego Żelaza kopią w poszukiwaniu artefaktów Tytanów lub Starych Bogów, jednak nie można być tego pewnym na sto p
- There is a Cauldron under every Hierarchical City, and in all important Novus Orbis Librarium facilities. The Cauldrons are used to access the Boundary, some characters used them to travel in time or between possibilities, and Nox Nyctores Causality Weapons and Boundary Interface Prime Field Devices are smelted beyond them. It is also possible to smelt a Cauldron, but it requires a great number of souls. The 5th Hierarchical City of Ibukido had a Monolith that was connected directly to the Cauldron, but it was destroyed, and now this Cauldron is sealed with the Kushinada's Lynchpin.
- Depending on rumors or which dimension Dahlia exists she is known to use a bubbling cauldron or a fiery oven. Evil spirits can be seen escaping the smoke of the cauldron. Dahlia meets her end in one of two cooking apparatuses. When pushed into the cauldron her body melted into the oily green slime in the pot, and slime was splattered on the outside of the cauldron. The evil Dame Hagatha also uses a cauldron in her black cave to make her Human stew. The Three sisters, the Graeae also are known to use a black cauldron for their magic.