| - The song was first uploaded on August 14, 2011, and is Neru's seventh work uploaded. The video reached 1,000,000 at 11:07 AM on June 20, 2012 and has since been covered by various utaites. This was also featured in an EXIT TUNES compilation Vocalocluster, V Love 25~Aperios~, and VOCALOID 超BEST -impacts-. To celebrate Kagamine Append's first anniversary, Tokyo Teddy Bear's single was released by KARENT.
| - The song was first uploaded on August 14, 2011, and is Neru's seventh work uploaded. The video reached 1,000,000 at 11:07 AM on June 20, 2012 and has since been covered by various utaites. This was also featured in an EXIT TUNES compilation Vocalocluster, V Love 25~Aperios~, and VOCALOID 超BEST -impacts-. To celebrate Kagamine Append's first anniversary, Tokyo Teddy Bear's single was released by KARENT. The song is rather vague, and so several interpretations can be made. A possible meaning for the song is that the main protagonist, played by Rin, runs away from home and her family, thinking that she has a 'crazy filled mind'. She appears to hate her life and wants to change. In the song, she struggles with why she needs to change, seen in the lyrics; "Make a fool of yourself." Either these are her parents words to her, or these are Rin's own thoughts. She appears to fear that changing can only make her a mere fool. In other lyrics, Rin asks why she can't just be loved—possibly by her family—and expresses wishes to cut her face off with scissors. This appears to indicate she has a history of, or is contemplating, harming herself, whether by literally cutting herself or by inflicting mental pain. The teddy bear could also represent the singer. The stuffed toy is nearly torn apart and is a mess of stitches and patches, much like Rin imagines herself to be on the inside. The teddy bear's physical state symbolizes Rin's internal suffering. Seeing herself, like the bear, as being destined to be constantly torn apart and patched up again, Rin expresses a desire to be "patched" up and be fixed. At some parts, she hints of pulling the last string that keeps the teddy bear together, possibly symbolizing her death. The ending of the song—whether Rin returns home, finds help, runs away, commits suicide, etc.—is left to the viewer's imagination.