| - Thravishlev ek'Therav Vookh'veeb th'Lenthar (Shlev th'Lenthar) was a young Andorian thaan living with his thavan, Therav th'Shan in the late 24th century. (Eighth Fleet RPG) As of 2382, he was nine years old, but had not yet been matched to a bond. He enjoyed samurai movies, violent Andorian myths and legends, exploring his surroundings, and sneaking out of his parents' sight whenever possible. Shlev accompanied Therav when the latter transferred to the USS Tethys (NCC 80121).
| - Thravishlev ek'Therav Vookh'veeb th'Lenthar (Shlev th'Lenthar) was a young Andorian thaan living with his thavan, Therav th'Shan in the late 24th century. (Eighth Fleet RPG) As of 2382, he was nine years old, but had not yet been matched to a bond. He enjoyed samurai movies, violent Andorian myths and legends, exploring his surroundings, and sneaking out of his parents' sight whenever possible. His charan and zhavey both died in 2381. His shreya and thavan were his sole remaining parents, but did not reside together. His original birth surname was Zhess, but it was changed to Lenthar after he was formally and legally adopted by his shreya's new clan. Shlev accompanied Therav when the latter transferred to the USS Tethys (NCC 80121). Over the years that they lived apart, Therav kept a memoir for Shlev in the event that he was killed in the line of duty. Though things were tense at first, Shlev had an amicable relationship with his Terran stepmother Noelle Shan and a somewhat more strained relationship with his two stepsisters, none of whom resided with Shlev and Therav aboard the Tethys.